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4TU.Built Environment Meet-Up!

woensdag 30 oktober 2024

On Wednesday 30 October 2024 the 4TU.Built Environment Meet-up will be held! 

We would like to invite all of you to the 4TU.Built Environment Meet-Up 2024! After last years’ success, we aim to again connect all people involved in the Domain Acceleration Team’s (DAT’s) below and all those interested, to gain new insights and share knowledge with each other. 

The Meet-up will take place at a location in the centre of the Netherlands from 12:00 to 18:00 with an optional funding opportunities meeting from 10:00 to 12:00. Lunch will be included for both sessions.

With a keynote and theme On integration of research and education towards the fourth generation University: research and education with turbulence.

Join us for an inspiring day and connect with all people involved in 4TU.Built Environment.

The program will be updated soon. Also keep an eye out for updates on our 4TU.Built Environment LinkedIn page.

Please register here

If you want to become active in one of the Domain Acceleration Teams or want to join the 4TU.Built Environment event of October 30th, please contact Maaike Riemersma (4TU.Built Environment Coordinator) on 

Looking forward to seeing you on October 30th!

Floor, Marit, Joost, Frank en Maaike on behalf of the 4TU.Built Environment Management Team