Part of the
Applied Mathematics Institute
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Applied Mathematics Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


About us

4TU.AMI jointly inspires, stimulates and supports innovative mathematics-related education, research as well as collaboration, projects and community initiatives.

4TU.AMI (Applied Mathematics Institute) is a joint initiative of the individual mathematics departments of the four technical universities in the Netherlands together with the applied mathematics groups of the University of Groningen: 

What we do 

We conduct research

There is an increase in demand for applied and advanced mathematical knowledge and expertise in trade, industry and healthcare. By working together in AMI research teams, we strengthen our research activities and are able to carry out outstanding research.

We improve education

In order to boost mathematics education, we develop new formats, materials and didactics. Furthermore, we facilitate educational projects that benefit university teaching staff, students, secondary school teachers and secondary school pupils.

We seek collaboration

We want to strengthen our national and international collaboration with partners in research and industry. By joining forces, we are able to tackle complex and challenging social, environmental, economic, healthcare and technical issues from a mathematical point of view.

We facilitate exchange

To contribute to community building and to provide a platform for sharing experiences and inspiring colleagues, we organise annual events. We also grant funding for initiatives related to applied mathematics such as workshops, congresses, mini-symposia and other meetings.


How we can help

University staff

Our repository with digital educational resources is available to university teaching staff. University staff members can apply for funding for AMI related events to acquire knowledge, exchange insights, share experiences and meet colleagues and experts.

Companies and research institutes

We can help companies and research institutes with research questions in the field of mathematics. We have a large network and can link applicants to researchers or research groups.


AMI is one of the centers of the 4TU.Federation. This federation maximizes innovation by combining and concentrating the strengths of four Dutch universities in research, education and transfer of knowledge. The universities involved are Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Twente University and Wageningen University.