Thu 12 Apr 2012
NMC 2012
Nederlands Mathematisch Congres
Date: 12 april 2012
Location: TU Eindhoven
Audience: This conference attracts a large part of the Dutch mathematical community
Subject: Next to two plenairy talks there are four parallel minisymposia sessions on topics in applied and pure mathematics, and a more broadly accessible presentation.
The General Meeting of the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap will be held during the congres.
Also this year PhD students are offered the opportunity to present their results to a broader audience. The best presentation will be rewarded the Philips NMC Prize. Besides, a poster session will be organized for all PhD students and postdocs
Organization: Faculty of Mathematics at TU/e ( G.J. Woeginger).
Mon 30 Jan until 3 Feb 2012
Study Group Mathematics with Industry / SWI2012
Date: 30 January - 03 February 2012
Location: Dept of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e
Audience: PhD and staff members from The Netherlands and Belgium
Subject: This study group takes the standard form including the presentation of problems, selecting the teams, (eventually: intermediate reports), presentation of solutions, feedback moment from the owners of the problem
Organization: Adrian Muntean , Alessandro Di Bucchianico, Jan Draisma, Remco van der Hofstad, Mark Peletier, Antonios Zagaris, Marko Boon, Jan-Jaap Oosterwijk
Thu 1 - 24 Dec 2011
Mathekalender 2011
Date: 1-24 December 2011
Audience: studenten
Subject: Het Duitse wiskunde-instituut MATHEON organiseert al enige jaren een adventskalender. Elke dag, van 1 t/m 24 december, wordt op een vakje "geopend" waarachter een wiskundeprobleem verschijnt met 10 mogelijke antwoorden. Die problemen zijn niet gemakkelijk (soms van het niveau van de finale van de Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade), maar de oplossing ervan vergt in principe geen geavanceerde wiskunde.
Net als vorig jaar werken de wiskunde-afdelingen van de drie Technische Universiteiten van Delft, Eindhoven en Twente, verenigd in 3TU.AMI (Applied Mathematics Institute), ook dit jaar weer samen met het MATHEON. Verscheidene opgaven zijn bedacht door wiskundigen van 3TU.AMI. Verder stelt 3TU.AMI een laptop beschikbaar als prijs voor de Nederlandse scholier die de beste score haalt. Daarnaast stelt het MATHEON elke dag prijzen beschikbaar en elke deelnemer kan daarnaar meedingen.
Het is een individuele wedstrijd, maar het kan leuk zijn om met een groep of schoolklas te proberen om samen het goede antwoord van een opgave te vinden. Het zou mooi zijn als een Nederlandse scholier de wedstrijd wint!
Organization: MATHEON
Thu 27 Oct 2011
AMI Autumn Spectacle 2011
Date: 27 October 2011
Location: VNO building; āDe Malietorenā, Den Haag
Audience: researchers and teachers mathematics ,administrators of TUās, universities, TNO, GTIās, CWI, managers of industrial R&D.
Subject:Ā Industry Show. Math in Industry; an invisible engine.
Organization: Dr. Mike Bochev (UT), Dr. Dorota Kurowicka (TUD), Berry Schoenmakers (TU/e)
Fri 14 Oct 2011
Future Energy Networks
Future Energy Networks: Mathematical solutions for European gas network management
Date: 14 October 2011
Location: The Dutch Embassy in Berlin
Audience: invitational conferenceĀ
Subject: Present a German-Dutch research-program on 'optimization of energy-networks in Europe' - focus on gas networks.
Also the launch of the Energy network optimization Programme. Read more.....
Registration: By invitation
Organisation: TWA, MATHEON &Ā 3TU.AMI
Sheets: can be found here
Mon 10 - 12 Oct 2011
YES workshop Adaptation in Nonparametric Statistics
Date: 10-12 october 2012
Location: EURANDOM, TU/e
Subject: The quality of statistical inference essentially depends on how complex we assume the underlying statistical model to be: generally, the richer the model, the worse the quality of statistical inferences. On the other hand, if the proposed model is too simple, it may not be able to provide a reasonable fit to the data. In an adaptive setup, instead of one particular model one deals with a family of models, often ordered or embedded from simple to complex. Depending on the statistical problem at hand (for instance, regression function estimation, testing hypothesis, confidence set), the general problem of adaptation is, loosely formulated, to design a so called adaptive method for solving this statistical problem which performs in multiple model situation as good as in a single model, or, if this is not possible, with the smallest loss of quality
Organization:Angelika Rohde, Eduard Belitser, Geurt Jongbloed
Wed 5 Oct 2011
Woudschoten Conference 2011
Date: 5-7 October 2011
Location: Woudschoten, Zeist
Audience: PhD and staff members from The Netherlands and Belgium interested in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Subject: In 2011 the selected topics are:Computational Methods for Images and Mimetic Discretizations
Organization: Prof. Jaap J.W. van der Vegt (WSC /UT)
Mon 12 Sep 2011
Outreach day STAR cluster
Date: 12 September
Location: EURANDOM, TU/e
Audience: PhD and staff members from The Netherlands and Belgium
Subject: The stochastics cluster STAR is organizing an Outreach Day on the topic "Road traffic and stochastics", in collaboration with the 3TU Applied Mathematics Institute (3TU-AMI) and the Committee for Innovation of Platform Wiskunde Nederland (PWN).
Organization: Ivo Adan, Onno Boxma, Arnold Heemink, Michel Mandjes, Sindo Nunez-Queija.
Mon 6 - 7 Jun 2011
E-learning and Mathematics
Date: 6-7 June 2011
Location: TU/e
Audience: everybody with interest in E-learning and Mathematics
Subject: The conference/workshop will focus on various aspects of e-learning in mathematics:
ā¢Technology for E-learning and Mathematics
ā¢Best practices of E-learning and Mathematics
ā¢Evaluations of E-learning in Mathematics
E-learning to bridge the gap between High school and Bachelors and between Bachelor and Masters studies
Organization: Hans Sterk andĀ Hans Cuypers (TU/e)
Mon 6 Jun 2011
Scientific Computing Spring Meeting 2011
Date: 6 June 2011
Location: TU Delft
Audience: The Scientific Computing Community (WSC) in the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium) organizes each year a one day Spring Meeting to provide Ph.D Students and Postdocās in Scientific Computing a platform to present their research and to stimulate interaction between the various research groups active in this field
Subject: The topics of the presentations reflect the wide range of research topics currently investigated by the various research groups within the WSC and cover both theoretical research in numerical analysis and scientific computing and applications.
The spring meeting is a nice addition to the Woudschoten Conference on Numerical Analysis, which is also organized by the WSC, and where current research topics in scientific computing are discussed more in depth by six internationally well-known researchers
Organization: C. Kees Vuik (TUD) & Jaap J.W. van der Vegt (UT)
Thu 26 May 2011
Workshop Computational Electro-Magnetics
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Computational Electro magnetics:Ā A Workshop on Recent developments In Theory and Applications
Mon 9 May 2011
AMI Springfestival 2011
Enjoyable Lectures on the Beauty of Mathematics
Date: May 09, 2011
Location: Technical University Eindhoven. De Zwarte Doos.Ā
Audience: researchers and teachers mathematics ,administrators of TUās, universities, TNO, GTIās, CWI, managers of industrial R&D.
Organization: Prof. Aardal, Prof. Hurink, Dr. Muntea
Thu 14 - 15 Apr 2011
NMC 2011
Date: 14 - 15 april 2011
Location: Universiteit Twente
Audience: This conference attracts a large part of the Dutch mathematical community
Subject: Prominent mathematicians will deliver key-note speeches, and young talented mathematicians will deliver speeches in parallel sessions. In addition, there is substantial attention for the future generation of mathematicians via sessions on teaching (for this part the preferred language is Dutch) at high school and university and sessions dedicated to MSc and PhD students. There will also be an opportunity for students to present posters. The program aims at finding balance between mathematics for the beauty of mathematics and mathematics for the beauty of its applications.
Thursday April 14 the Brouwer Medal is awarded to a prominent mathematician.Ā
Organization: Department of Mathematics UT (Prof. R.J. Boucherie - Chairman, Prof. A.A. Stoorvogel - Treasures)
Thu 10 Mar 2011
AMI theme day Health 2011
Improving Healthcare by Mathematics
Date: March 10, 2011
Location: University of Twente, building Waaier, Room 3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
Audience: researchers and teachers mathematics ,administrators of TUās, universities, TNO, GTIās, CWI, managers of industrial R&D.
Organization: Prof. van Gils, Prof. Boucherie, Prof. Florack, Dr. Vermolen
Report of the meeting: Click here