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Thursday 12 April 2012

NMC 2012

Event: 12 April 2012: Nederlands Mathematisch Congres - M1202

Nederlands Mathematisch Congres
Date: 12 april 2012
Location: TU Eindhoven
Audience: This conference attracts a large part of the Dutch mathematical community
Subject: Next to two plenairy talks there are four parallel minisymposia sessions on topics in applied and pure mathematics, and a more broadly accessible presentation.
The General Meeting of the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap will be held during the congres.
Also this year PhD students are offered the opportunity to present their results to a broader audience. The best presentation will be rewarded the Philips NMC Prize. Besides, a poster session will be organized for all PhD students and postdocs
Organization: Faculty of Mathematics at TU/e ( G.J. Woeginger).