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Applied Mathematics Institute
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Applied Mathematics Institute


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Fri 23 May 2014
Kaleidoscoopdag 2014
Op 23 mei 2014 vindt de Kaleidoscoopdag plaats. De Kaleidoscoopdag is een landelijk wiskundesymposium dat elk jaar aan een andere universiteit wordt georganiseerd. In 2014 zal deze dag plaatsvinden aan de Universiteit Twente. Dit jaar zullen verschillende sprekers ingaan op het thema Wind, Water en Wiskunde. Er zijn lezingen op het gebied van turbulentie rond vliegtuigen, klimaat en weer, Navier-Stokes-vergelijkingen, het milleniumprobleem en interne golven. De dagvoorzitter van de dag is Diederik Jekel, wetenschapsjournalist. Hij is onder andere bekend van De Wereld Draait Door en heeft gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Twente. De sprekers zijn afkomstig vanuit verschillende universiteiten en bedrijven, waaronder het NLR, het MARIN en NIOZ.
Wed 16 - 17 Apr 2014
NMC 2014
Date: 16 and 17 April 2014 Organizers: (applied) math groups of TU Delft and Leiden University (contact-address: Report:  article NAW 5/15 Website: NMC2014 Description:The conference is (meant to be) the yearly meeting place for all mathematicians of the Netherlands (and abroad). Every year keynote speakers are invited, special sessions are organized, for instance for the Dutch clusters on mathematics, on history of mathematics, on mathematics and industry, for high school teachers, for a presentation contest between PhD’s (the Philips prize), and so on. Keynote speakers:  Felix Otto, see Volker Mehrmann, see Monique Laurent, see      Aad van der Vaart, see
Mon 27 - 31 Jan 2014
Date: 27-31 January 2014 Location: Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics   The Study Group Mathematics with Industry is a combined industrial-academic week where mathematics is used to tackle industrial problems. About fifty to eighty mathematicians,  working in industry or academia, come together during a full week to work together intensively on industrial problems. Organization: A.W. Heemink, C.J. Meerman MSc, Dr. D.J.P. Lahaye, F.H. van der Meulen, Dr. J.L.A. Dubbeldam, W.G.M. Groenevelt.  Website: SWI2014
Tue 12 Nov 2013
Date: 12 November 2013 Location: National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Amsterdam Scientific report: see        Summary: see Programme-outline: On Tuesday, November 12th, 2013, the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), the George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research and the Delft Institute for Applied Mathematics are organizing a one-day workshop on the theory and applications of integral equation methods for electromagnetic scattering. This workshop, that will take place at NLR's Amsterdam facility will include invited lectures by five leading experts and short presentations by a number of PhD students working in this field. Audience: We would like to address members of the international community of researchers working on: - analytical aspects of frequency and time domain, volume and surface integral equations, - spatial discretisation methods for volume and boundary integral equations, - temporal discretisation methods for time-domain integral equations, - fast solution methods for discretised integral equations, - large scale applications of integral equation models, in the context of electromagnetic scattering, both from industry and academia. Organization: Dr. Harmen van der Ven, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Dr. ir. Duncan R. van der Heul, Delft University of Technology Dr. Kristof Cools, George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research, University of Nottingham Prof. dr. ir. Jaap van der Vegt, Twente University Prof. dr. Wil Schilders, Eindhoven University of Technology Prof. dr. ir. Kees Vuik, Delft University of Technology Website: workshop INT13
Wed 2 - 4 Oct 2013
Woudschoten Conference 2013
Location: Woudschoten           Programme-outline: The program for the 2013 Woudschoten Conference on Numerical Analysis has two main themes: Adaptive finite-element methods and Inverse problems and uncertainty quantification. These themes are currently very active fields of research in Scientific Computing, also at 3TU, and have a good mix of advanced numerical analysis and scientific computing. We have attracted top researchers in these fields (see list of keynote speakers), which are inspiring for a wide audience interested in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Audience: PhD and staff members from The Netherlands and Belgium interested in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Organization: Werkgemeenschap Scientific Computing (Chair Prof. J.J.W. van der Vegt, University of Twente), Program committee 2013: Prof. E.H. van Brummelen (TU Eindhoven), Prof. J.J.W. van der Vegt (University of Twente), Prof. S. Vandewalle (KU Leuven), Dr. J.F.B.M. Kraaijevanger (Shell Global Solutions).
Wed 19 Jun 2013 / 09.45 - 16.20
InterTU studiedag 2013
Dit was de eerste InterTU studiedag onder auspicien van 3TU.AMI
Wed 19 Jun 2013
25e InterTU Studiedag 2013
These meetings are being organized for Math teachers (of TUD, TU/e, and UT) who are engaged in service education for faculties outside the Math departments. The 25th  InterTU-Studiedag was held on Wednesday June 19, 2013 in Eindhoven. This was the first “Studiedag” under the auspices of 3TU.AMI.
Mon 10 - 14 Jun 2013
9th Conference on Bayesian nonparametric
The Bayesian nonparametrics (BNP) conference is a bi-annual international meeting bringing together leading experts and talented young researchers working on applications and theory of nonparametric Bayesian statistics. It is an official section meeting of the Bayesian nonparametrics section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis () and is co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS.)
Thu 13 Jun 2013
AMI Springfestival 2013
AMI Spring Festival - “Enjoyable lectures on the beauty of Mathematics” Date: 13 June 2013 Location: Delft University of Technology.               Programme: click here Audience: researchers and teachers mathematics ,administrators of TU’s, universities, TNO, GTI’s, CWI, managers of industrial R&D. Organization: Prof.dr. T. Lange (Tue), Dr. J. van Ommeren (UT), Prof.dr. B. de Pagter (TUD).
Thu 29 Nov 2012
AMI Autumn Spectacle 2012
Date: November 29, 2012 Location: Eurandom, Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, METAFORUM Building, 4th floor, room MF 12. Introduction by Kees Vuik (TUD), Director of 3TU Applied Mathematics Institute (co-sponsor of the EURANDOM symposium) Aafke Visser-van Boekel (Océ) + Geert-Jan van Houtum (TU/e) Spare Parts Planning: A New Concept for the Field Stock Planning at Océ Technologies Bruno van Wijngaarden (Systems Architect, Vanderlande Industries)+ Ivo Adan (TU/e) Models for warehouse design and control: simulation, analytic or both? Alex Kuiper (IBIS researcher)+ Michel Mandjes (UvA) Optimized Appointment Scheduling Fred Boer (LUMC) + Richard Boucherie (University Twente) Operations Research in healthcare Tim Jonker (Municipality Eindhoven)+ Marko Boon (TU/e) Optimization of garbage dumps See:
Thu 22 Nov 2012
2nd Dutch Workshop on Computational Game Theory
2nd Dutch Workshop on Computational Game Theory Date: 22 November 2012 Location: University of Twente, Enschede         Keynote speakers: Prof. Hans Peters, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, Professor and Chair of Mathematical Economics, Maastricht University. Prof. Berthold Vöcking, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, since 2004 Professor and Chair of Algorithms and Complexity, RWTH Aachen University. Dr. Nicole Immorlica, Northwestern University Chicago, USA Since 2008 Assistant Professor, Northwestern University Chicago. Organization: Prof. Marc Uetz & Dr. Bodo Manthey, University of Twente. Dr. Mathijs de Weerdt, TU Delft. Dr. Nikhil Bansal, TU Eindhoven
Wed 3 - 5 Oct 2012
Woudschoten Conference 2012
Date: 3-5 October 2012 Location: Woudschoten           Programme-outline: The program for the 2012 Woudschoten Conference on Numerical Analysis has two main themes: Adjoint methods and optimization, and From particles to continuum models. These themes are currently very active fields of research in Scientific Computing, also at 3TU, and have a good mix of advanced numerical analysis and scientific computing. We have attracted top researchers in these fields (see list of keynote speakers), which are inspiring for a wide audience interested in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Audience: PhD and staff members from The Netherlands and Belgium interested in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing. Organization: Werkgemeenschap Scientific Computing (Chair Prof. J.J.W. van der Vegt, University of Twente), Program committee 2012: Prof. K. Vuik (TU Delft), Prof. C. Oosterlee (TU Delft), Prof. D. Roose (K.U. Leuven), Prof. A. Veldman (RUG).
Mon 18 - 22 Jun 2012
Summer School 2012 Applied Dynamical Systems
Workshop on “Recent developments in the solution of indefinite systems” Date: 17 April 2012 Location: TU Eindhoven             Programme: Indefinite Workshop 2012.pdf Audience: This workshop will be useful both to researchers dealing with applications that give rise to saddle point problems and to developers of effective solution techniques for the resulting equations. Organization: Wil Schilders (TU Eindhoven), Kees Vuik (TU Delft), Mike Botchev (University of Twente)
Thu 31 May 2012
AMI Springfestival 2012
Date: 31 May 2012 Location: University of Twente, Building Waaier 3.               Programme: program Abstracts: see lente flyer 2012.pdf Audience: researchers and teachers mathematics ,administrators of TU’s, universities, TNO, GTI’s, CWI, managers of industrial R&D. Organization: Prof. Geurts (UT), Prof. Peletier (TU/e), Prof. Redig (TUD)
Tue 17 Apr 2012
Workshop Indefinite 2012
Workshop on “Recent developments in the solution of indefinite systems” Date: 17 April 2012 Location: TU Eindhoven             Programme: Indefinite Workshop 2012.pdf Audience: This workshop will be useful both to researchers dealing with applications that give rise to saddle point problems and to developers of effective solution techniques for the resulting equations. Organization: Wil Schilders (TU Eindhoven), Kees Vuik (TU Delft), Mike Botchev (University of Twente)