Part of the
Applied Mathematics Institute
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Applied Mathematics Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


4TU.AMI summer event 2024

Location: Amphitheater, Vrijhof,  De Veldmaat 5, 7522 NM, Enschede (campus UT)
Date: 7 June 2024

Abstracts invited talks

Johannes Schmidt-Hieber (UT) - 'On biologically inspired learning'

While artificial neural networks are motivated by the functioning of the brain there are still large discrepancies. In particular, it is biologically implausible that the learning of the brain is based on gradient descent. In this talk we survey several biologically inspired learning rules, present some first results and outline the mathematical challenges.

Mireille Boutin (TU/e) - 'Discrete Object Recognition and Symmetry Detection'

How do you determine if two objects have the same shape? How do you reconstruct a room from echoes? How do you find HAZMAT signs in a picture?  How do you reconstruct 3D objects from a movie? These questions boil down to the problem of characterizing the orbits of the action of a Lie group on a manifold. In this talk, I will discuss how to use invariants to solve such problems. In particular, I will discuss how to recognize configurations of points up to a rigid motion and relabeling using the "bag of distances,"  the related problem of reconstructing the shape of a room consisting of planar walls from the echoes heard by four microphones held in a rigid configuration on a drone, and  how to detect symmetries in an object on an image using a pyramid of moment invariants.  [Slides]

Annoesjka Cabo (TU Delft) -  SRI 'Advancing Mathematical Competencies'

The 4TU.AMI Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) entitled 'Advancing Mathematical Competencies' responds to the need to modernize mathematics education for the 21st century, emphasizing the development of advanced mathematical skills and innovative teaching methodologies. Collaboratively undertaken by 4TU universities and RUG, its primary goal is to craft a tailored roadmap for enhancing mathematics education across Dutch universities. This entails mathematics for mathematics students, as well as mathematics for engineering students. Following introductions and an overview of the proposal, the presentation will delve into key themes, including identifying key mathematical competencies and their assessment. SRI members eagerly anticipate exploring avenues for collaboration among mathematics teachers and eagerly await insights and ideas from our esteemed community. [Slides]

Madeleine de Smaele (TU Delft) & Roel Janssen (TU Delft) - Presentation 4TU.ResearchData


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