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Applied Mathematics Institute
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Applied Mathematics Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Workshop 'Medical Machine Learning' for high school teachers

Friday 7 March 2025

How does an algorithm distinguish between scans of healthy and unhealthy arteries? Can algorithms replace doctors? During this hands-on workshop (in Dutch), specifically designed for high school teachers in mathematics and informatics, participants will learn how mathematics plays a crucial role in medical image analysis and discover the fascinating world of machine learning in medicine.

Practical information

Location: University of Twente
Date: March 7, 2025
Time: 13:00-16:30


More information

For more information and registration, visit the workshop website (in Dutch).

4TU.NIRICT funding

This workshop is part of a proposal that received funding from 4TU.NIRICT for 'Raising awareness in high schools on ICT challenges'.  This funding supports "activities that contribute to attracting high school students to NLT (Nature, Life, and Technology) subjects and supporting teachers with necessary skills for promoting and teaching these subjects." The aim is to develop teaching material that teachers can use in math, computer science and NLT courses at their own school. The content focuses on AI in medical image analysis: a highly engaging topic due to its importance in society and its ethical components.