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Applied Mathematics Institute
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Applied Mathematics Institute


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Blended learning project ends

Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Successes and lessons learned are being shared among the math community.

End of 4TU.AMI project 'Blended Learning'

Within the 4TU.AMI Blended Learning project, joined forces (TU/e, TUD, UT and WUR) came together to bring blended learning of mathematics to the next level. In this 4-year project, it became clear that collaboration is crucial. Successes and lessons learned are being shared among the math community.


The Blended Learning project focused on:


Trends and innovations in mathematics education have been explored and discussed in meetings, in workshops, on InterTU Study Days and at the International Conference “Mathematics Education: the next decade and beyond” which was held in April 2019.


Besides the increasing number of students at all universities, another challenge came up this year: to do as much off-campus teaching as possible. Online materials and corresponding tools, provided by the project, helped many lecturers to new ways of thinking, learning and acting. The future is now!

Please visit the project website for more information.

Date: 15 July 2020