4TU.AMI Spring Congress 2017: Mathematics for health
This year’s annual spring event of the Applied Mathematics Institute of the 4TU.Federation was about the application of mathematics for health purposes.
The keynote presentation was given by David Lentink from Stanford University.
This lecture was followed by three sets of presentations by a member of staff of one of the leading hospitals and a staff member of one of the universities of technology. In the presentations they gave insight in the research and application of mathematics for health purposes, from their different perspectives.You can find their presentations under their names below.
Programme: Mathematics for health
vlnr: David Lentink, Frank Gijssen, Christoph Brune
Luc Florack, Anna Vilanova, Johan Dubbeldam, Kees Vuik
David Lentink (click on name for presentation)
David Lentink
Christoph Brune
Lex van Loon
Frank Gijssen (click on name for presentation)
Johan Dubbeldam (click on name for presentation)
GJ Rutten
Anna Vilanova (click on name for presentation)
Luc Florack
Date: 14 May 2017