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Applied Mathematics Institute
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Applied Mathematics Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


News 4TU.AMI

The latest 4TU.AMI news and a news archive that dates back to 2012. Here you can search for specific topics.
19 Jul 2022
Successful 4TU.AMI summer event in Eindhoven
The first 4TU.AMI networking event since the outbreak of the corona virus took place in Eindhoven on 5 July. The around 50 attendees enjoyed the opportunity to introduce themselves to their colleagues and initiate new contacts and collaborations.
15 Jul 2022
RECENTRE - New 'High Tech for a Sustainable Future' programme
The RECENTRE proposal, aiming to empower patients to play a leading role in their lifestyle and health within their own environment , has been selected as one of the four ‘High Tech for a Sustainable Future’ 4TU programmes.
14 Jul 2022
Winners Mathekalender 2020
Kevin van Dijk (Stedelijk Gymnasium Nijmegen) and Thian Tromp (Christelijk Gymnasium Beyers Naudé, Leeuwarden) were the top-scoring Dutch high school students of the Mathekalender 2020 and both received a €500 prize sponsored by 4TU.AMI.
3 Jun 2022
New 4TU.AMI program manager
Ellen van den Bos-Moodij recently started as the new 4TU.AMI program manager (0.2 fte), responsible for the daily management of 4TU.AMI together with scientific director Johann Hurink.
1 Apr 2022
Launch 4TU.AMI newsletter
We're launching a newsletter to share successes, announce events, highlight research projects, introduce new staff members, invite collaboration, report on outreach activities, discuss developments in math education, et cetera.
31 Mar 2022
4TU.AMI summer event on 5 July 2022 (save the date)
Join us during our summer event on 5 July on the campus of TU Eindhoven. The main purpose of the event is to get to know new colleagues, explore common research or teaching interests, invite collaboration, and catch up with old friends.
29 Jul 2021
New 4TU.AMI PR/communication advisor
After graduating with an MSc degree in Applied Mathematics from the UT in 2006, Pim did a PhD in the Algorithms & Complexity group at Durham University (England) followed by a 4-year postdoc in the Algorithms Research group at the University of Bergen (Norway). His research focused on algorithmic graph theory and parameterized complexity. During his time as an MSc and PhD student, Pim was involved in outreach activities and taught in secondary schools both in the Netherlands and England. In 2014, Pim took up a lecturer position at Hogeschool Rotterdam. He then joined ORTEC in 2017, where he worked as an Operations Research Engineer in the team responsible for the development of ORTEC’s vehicle routing software. As of September 2020, Pim is a lecturer at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the UT.
15 Jul 2020
Interview new director AMI.4TU
Johann Hurink (UT) is taking over from the current director Kees Vuik (TU Delft) as of 1 July. We talked to Hurink about his plans for 4TU.AMI, how he sees the future of mathematics and what the greatest strength is of the 4TU alliance.
14 Jul 2020
Blended learning project ends
Within the 4TU.AMI Blended Learning project, joined forces (TU/e, TUD, UT and WUR) came together to bring blended learning of mathematics to the next level. In this 4-year project, it became clear that collaboration is crucial. Successes and lessons learned are being shared among the math community.
1 May 2020
Winnaar Mathekalender 2019
Op 9 juli 2020 kreeg Marijn Adriaanse samen met nog zes andere klasgenoten van het Norbertus Gertrudis Lyceum zijn vwo-diploma uitgereikt door zijn klassenmentor Pelle Pauwels. Uit de toespraak van zijn mentor bleek de veelzijdigheid van Marijn: naast zijn talenten voor de β-vakken heeft hij ook aanleg voor geschiedenis en Latijn. De reden dat 4TU.AMI aanwezig was bij deze plechtigheid is dat Marijn samen met Kevin van Dijk van het Stedelijk Gymnasium in Nijmegen, winnaar is geworden van de Mathekalender-wedstrijd van afgelopen december en wij willen hen daarmee hartelijk feliciteren. Marijn gaat komend jaar elektrotechniek studeren in Delft en 4TU.AMI wenst hem een goede studietijd toe.
16 Dec 2019
Onderzoek zandstorm TU Delft
Plots ligt er een laagje bruingeel zand op je auto, en kleurt de lucht oranjerood. De buurvrouw, die met haar boodschappentrolley voorbijloopt, drukt een sjaal tegen d’r mond. En uit je telefoon ontsnapt een schelle, harde pieptoon: een berichtje van de overheid. Houd ramen en deuren gesloten. Het is een realiteit waar niemand in China meer van opkijkt. Het land gaat namelijk regelmatig gebukt onder grote, hevige zandstormen. De afgelopen jaren deed Jianbing Jin (TU Delft) onderzoek naar dit alles verlammende fenomeen. Hij zocht uit hoe en wáár zanddeeltjes de lucht instuiven.
19 Jun 2019
Winnaars Mathekalender 2018
Op 19 juni jl. vond de feestelijke prijsuitreiking plaats van de Mathekalender 2018. Dit jaar waren er twee leerlingen op de eerste plaats geëindigd:
12 Apr 2019
Conference mathematics education
In April 2019, a conference on Mathematics Education took place in Utrecht. The conference brought together mathematicians, lectures of Mathematics in higher education and educational experts. New trends and innovations in Mathematics education have been explored and discussed.
20 Jun 2018
Winnaar Mathekalender 2017
Richard Wols, leerling uit de 5de klas van het VWO van CSG Dingstede in Meppel, wint de Matheon-Kalenderwedstrijd, die gehouden is de afgelopen adventsperiode van 1 december tot en met 24 december.
1 Feb 2018
Open Up Math project
The Open Up Math project team would like to share with you some of the recent findings from the project, which is drawing to a close. This 4TU.AMI flagship project has supported the ambition that all lecturers share their educational resources openly by 2025.