Engineering Doctorate
4TU.Built Environment concentrates on providing dedicated professional education programmes to deliver young professionals that are able to bridge the gap between academia and the market. This is achieved by the so-called Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programme (formerly PDEng). EngD is a two-year professional, post-academic degree, where university graduates work in close collaboration with the industry on an urgent and industrially relevant topic. Within 4TU.Built Environment various EngD programs are offered via the 4TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute. Industrial partners are always welcome to propose EngD projects that can be jointly pushed forward within the context of the 4TU.Bouw EngD-programme. The offered EngD programs include:
- Civil Engineering (University of Twente)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (Delft University of Technology)
- Smart Buildings and Cities (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Master programme Construction Management and Engineering
The Master’s program in Construction Management and Engineering (CME) builds upon the excellent facilities and expertise of the research groups at each of the participating institutions. The programme is embedded within a context of applied research and industry that comprises such institutes and organisations as the Asset Management Initiative research programme and the Living Building Concept at TUD, the focus on Market Dynamics, Planning and Development and Design Process & Engineering research at UT and the Urban Planning research at TU/e.