The purpose of the EngD programme provided by the University of Twente is to educate trainees who will be the 'new employees' in the field of civil engineering. The programme focuses on solving design issues within the main themes of water management, transport engineering and construction engineering.
During the programme, you transfer results into technological innovation in industry and society. Examples of design issues include the accessibility of urban areas, high-quality public transport, risk management, flood protection under the influence of climate change, urban renewal, asset management for infrastructure or complex buildings (e.g. hospitals), underground construction, multifunctional land use, etc.
Employers of graduates of this EngD programme are often the organizations were the trainees do their design assignments. The branches of these organizations vary from government to engineers of consultants and contractors. Furthermore, large research institutes can be clients for design orientated issues and therefore an employer of EngD graduates.
Civil Engineering is part of the 4TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute. This institute is a collaboration between the four technological universities in the Netherlands.