Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


About 4TU.CEE

4TU.CEE is the centre for engineering education. The four technical universities of the Netherlands (Eindhoven, Delft, Twente and Wageningen) collaboratively inspire, stimulate, supportĀ and disseminateĀ effective and high quality engineering education through research and application of evidence-based innovations.

The Board of the 4TU.Federation has decided to set up and maintain a Centre for Engineering Education.
4TU.CEE aims to gather, develop and implement up-to-date expertise in engineering education. New insights in the field of educationĀ areĀ implemented and the effectiveness of the improvementsĀ is monitored and analysed. The expertiseĀ and experiences of allĀ four partner universities is exchanged to benefit all.

4TU.CEE facilitates teaching staff to improve their teaching competencies by developing, exploring and demonstrating the newest educational methods.

An explicit task of 4TU.CEE is to contribute to the international community of engineering education and to seek cooperation where appropriate. 4TU.CEE collaborates with educational communities such as SEFI, CDIO, and related organisations. 4TU.CEE organisesĀ conferences and workshops on Engineering Education. These events provide a platform for TU teaching staff to share their experiences and get inspired in an international setting.

4TU.CEE is funded by the universities themselves and by external sponsors such as the Dutch Ministry of Education and Sciences.

Ā Please find an overview of 4TU.CEE and its activities in our brochure.