4TU.CEE PhD candidates
- Adina Imanbayeva â The development of teacher competencies for educational innovation in facilitating learner empowerment [UT] â Expected end date: TBD â Supervision team: Prof Klaasjan Visscher, Dr Cindy Poortman, Dr Marcus Pereira Pessoa, Dr Robin de Graaf
- Ran Zhang - Click through & empower yourself (Click2Empower). Learning Analytics for the assessment and personalized support of student well-being, student resilience, and learning outcomes [TU/e] - Expected end date: TBD - Supervision team: Uwe Matzat, Rianne Conijn, Chris Snijders link.
- Sarah de Vries â Mixed Classroom [WUR] - Expected end date: 2027 - Supervision team: Prof. Perry den Brok, Dr Judith Gulikers
- Victor Garcia Galofré - Entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship in engineering education [TU/e & WUR]  - Expected end date: 2026 - Supervision team: Isabelle Reymen, Prof. Perry den Brok, Duygu Keskin, Yvette Baggen link
- Thijs Loonstra - Ethics and sustainability in engineering education [WUR] - Expected end date: 2026 - Supervision team: Prof. Perry den Brok, Valentina Tassone, Zoe Robaey
- Erna Engelbrecht - Evaluating of innovations in engineering education [TUD] - Expected end date: Spring 2027 - Supervision team: Prof. Marcus Specht, Dr Remon Rooij, Prof. Johannes Strobel link
- Gitte van Helden - The development of collaborative design labs for Educational Purposes [TUD] - Expected end date: 2025 - Supervision team: Prof. Eberhard Gill, Prof. Marcus Specht, Barry Zandbergen link
- Laura Menschaart - Emotion regulation in online Math (service) Education [TUD] - Expected end date: 2025 - Supervision team: Prof. Annoesjka Cabo, Dr Martine Baars link
- Kishore Sivakumar â Promoting higher order thinking skills in engineering education for interdisciplinary research [UT] â Expected end date: 2025 â Supervision team: Prof. Mieke Boon, Dr Miles MacLeod link
- Xin Ming â Interdisciplinarity in action - Configuring and constructing interdisciplinary engineering education [UT] â Expected end date: 2024 â Supervision team: Prof. Mieke Boon, Dr Miles MacLeod, Prof. Jan van der Veen link
- Linlin Pei â An effective professional development model for higher education institutions - Support for instructors on blended learning development [UT] â Expected end date: 2026 â Supervision team: Prof. Kim Schildkamp, Prof. Nieck Benes, Dr Cindy Poortman
- Marloes Vreekamp - Teacher learning during the University Teaching Qualification trajectory [WUR] - Expected end date: 2025 -Supervision team: Prof. Perry den Brok, Dr P. Runhaar, Dr Judith Gulikers link
- Marta Gavioli - Hands on Learning in Structural Mechanics [TUD] - Expected end date: 2024 - Supervision team: Prof. Annoesjka Cabo, Prof. Chiara Bisagni, Prof. Perry den Brok, Dr Renate Klaassen link
PhDs in Engineering Education
- Nina Bohm - Living labs in engineering education [TUD] - Supervision team: Prof. Ellen van Bueren, Prof. Perry den Brok, Dr Renate Klaassen link
- Priyanka Pereira â Peer feedback in higher education (previous working title: Student-driven learning: Self and peer regulation) [UT] â Supervision team: Prof. Kim Schildkamp, Prof. Bernard Veldkamp, Dr Maaike Heitink. link
- Ljubov van Beek - Self-directed learning in Higher Education [TUD]Â - Supervision team: Prof. Marc de Vries, Dr Maartje van den Bogaard
- Zahar Koretsky -Â Transformative Education for Sustainability at TU/e Empowering the students of today to create the world of tomorrow [TU/e]Â 06/04/2023 - link
- Rike Bron - Teacher teams and team learning processes [UT] 2022 November 4 - promotor: prof. dr. ir. B. Veldkamp; daily supervisor: dr. M. Endedijk.
- Bram Vaessen - Intermediate assessment in higher engineering education [TU/e] 2021 January 8 - promotores: prof. dr. P. den Brok & prof. dr. L. Lemmens, daily supervisor: dr. A. van den Beemt
- Inken Gast - Team-based professional development: possibilities and challenges of collaborative curriculum design in higher education. [UT] 2018 - supervisors: prof. dr. J. van der Veen; dr. K. Schildkamp & prof. dr. S. McKenney. link
- Robert Ovbiagbonhia - Fostering studentâs innovative capacity in undergraduate Building Technology Education (TU/e; ongoing) pdf
- Robin van Oorschot -Â Education for Entrepreneurs within Engineering and Design Institutes [TUD] 2018
- Heleen Miedema - Design of a Technical Medicine Curriculum [UT] 2015
- Maartje van den Bogaard -Â Towards an action-oriented model for first year engineering student success: a mixed methods approach [TUD] 2015
- Chantal Velthuis - Collaborative curriculum design to increase science teaching self-efficacy [UT] 2014Â pdf
- Jolien van Uden - The Teacher as Linchpin: The Teacherâs Perspective on Student Engagement [UT] 2014Â pdf
- Sonia M. Gomez Puente - Design Based Learning - Design-based learning: exploring an educational approach for engineering education [TU/e] 2014
- Pierre Gorissen - Facilitating the use of recorded lectures: Analysing studentsâ interactions to understand their navigational needs [TU/e] 2013 link
- Michiel van Diggelen -Â Effects of a self-assessment procedure on VET teachers' competencies in coaching students' reflection skills [TU/e] 2013
- Saskia Bakker - Design for peripheral interaction [TU/e] 2013
- Ton Marée - Scripted Collaborative Enriched Skeleton Concept Mapping to Foster Meaningful Learning [TU/e] 2013
- Fons DeHing - Preparing students for workplace learning in higher engineering education [TU/e] 2012
- Jean Paul van Staalduinen -Â Education and Games [TUD] 2012
- Gillian Saunders - Study of Delft Aerospace Alumni [TUD] 2008Â
- Josje Knoop - Digitale sTUdiekeuzecoach [TU/e] 2008
- Renate Klaassen -Â The International University Curriculum: Challenges in English-medium engineering education [TUD] 2001
- Liesbet Veenstra - van Dijk -Â Effectiveness of activating students in mass lectures [TUD] 2001
- Maarten van de Ven - Instructies bij Computersimulaties in het Technisch Onderwijs [TUD] 1998
- Diana Vinke - English as the medium of instruction in Dutch higher education [TUD] 1995
- Marcel Claesens -Â Programma evaluatie bij innovatie van een ingenieurs opleiding [TUD] 1995
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