- Ufuk Gür - Train the trainer programme in entrepreneurial engineering (TUD, UT; expected end date: May 2025). Supervision team: Prof. Frido Smulders, Dr Rainer Harms, Dr Raymond Loohuis, Dr Remon Rooij
- Ana Valencia - Assessment practices in inter-programme CBL education: Innovation Space Bachelor End Project (TU/e; expected end date May 2021). Project leaders: Isabelle Reymen & Birgit Pepin; supervisor: Miguel Bruns
- Zeger-Jan Kock – Mobile Learning (TU/e; expected end date May 2021). Project leader: Alexander Schueler-Meyer; supervisor: Birgit Pepin
- Lavinia Marin - Comprehensive Ethics Teaching for Engineers (TUD; 2019 - 2021). Supervision team: Prof. Neelke Doorn, Prof. Sabine Roeser link
- Taylor Stone - Comprehensive Ethics Teaching for Engineers (TUD; 2019 - 2021). Supervision team: Prof. Neelke Doorn, Prof. Sabine Roeser
- Janna van Grunsven - Comprehensive Ethics Teaching for Engineers (TUD; 2019 - 2021). Supervision team: Prof. Neelke Doorn, Prof. Sabine Roeser
- Mark Young - Research on critical thinking skills for engineers resulting in a handbook and training for students (TUD; 2020 - 2021). Supervision team: Dr Sjoerd Swart
- Mara Saeli – CBL maths & physics in Innovation Space Bachelor End Projects (TU/e; expected end date February 2022). Project leader: Birgit Pepin; supervision team: Lex Lemmens & Paul Koenraad
- Jacqueline Wong - PRIME Project and Math Education: self-directed learning in blended education and transferable skills in engineering curricula (TUD; 2020 - 2022). Supervision team: Prof. Annoesjka Cabo, Prof. Geurt Jongbloed
- Nathalie van der Wal - PRIME Project and Math Education: self-directed learning in blended education and transferable skills in engineering curricula (TUD; 2020 - 2022). Supervision team: Prof. Annoesjka Cabo, Prof. Geurt Jongbloed
- Tahir Abbas - Uncage Project (TUD; 2021 - 2023). Supervision team: Dr Ujwal Gadiraju
- Nauman Ahmed – Libket project (TUD; 2021 - 2022). Supervision team: Dr Matthias Moller link
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