A 1-day workshop designed to support lecturers who struggle with procrastinating tendencies of their students. It will provide you with useful information and strategies that will support you in helping students to develop the mind-set and the capacity to start and finish their projects on time!
About the workshop
It´s been said that all procrastination is delay, but not all delay is procrastination. In fact, procrastination is a very specific type of delay, which can create deeply negative emotional consequences. It is a behaviour which consists of postponing relevant work or projects that need to be performed, either by delaying the beginning of such work, or not being able to finalize it. Procrastination is particularly pressing for students who suffer from fear of failure and/or paradoxically, fear of success.
This workshop will address the psychological underpinnings of the procrastination behaviour; who is at higher risk; what are the causes, the emotional signs and consequences of procrastination; what the latest psychological research says about it, and how it can be effectively addressed by lecturers.
Content topics:
- Procrastination in Cultural Perspective: The Role of Social Media
- What is Procrastination? What is the difference between Procrastination and Healthy Delay? – Risk Factors
- University Students and procrastination
- Teachers/Support Staff and Procrastinating behaviours among students
- Treatment of Procrastination: The three “W´s”: who, when and what.
- Tailored Interventions for Participants in Workshop
- Monitoring Progress for a life free of procrastination
After the workshop you will:
- Be able to assess whether your students are engaging in procrastination or only displaying healthy delaying behaviours
- Learn how to effectively bring the topic of “Procrastination” to your student´s awareness
- Help students think on how to develop a personalized plan to address their procrastination tendencies
- Support your student´s efforts by helping them develop monitoring strategies to keep track of their progress.
For whom:
Lecturers, study advisors and student counsellors of 4TU.
Dr. Jessica Price, Psychologist, Trainer, Lecturer Intercultural Sensitivity, Bremen, Germany
Practical details:
Please note that this workshop is fully booked. It is no longer possible to register. If you are interested in following this training at a later stage, please send an email to 4TU.CEE@wur.nl.
Date: 15 June 2018
Location: Wageningen Campus, Impulse building (building nr: 115)
Costs: costs are covered by 4TU.CEE
Registration: This workshop is fully booked. If you are interested in following this training at a later stage, please send an email to 4TU.CEE@wur.nl.
Information: for more information contact: 4TU.CEE@wur.nl