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Centre for
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19 October Education day 2017 University of Twente

Thursday 19 October 2017 / 08.45 - 17.30

‘The interplay between research and education’

A University is involved in both fields: research and education, but how is the balance between these two? Is the one more important than the other or not? How do they reinforce each other? This year's Education Day is about the interplay between research and education. Keynotes and workshops focus either on research about education, education in research, research and education, research in education or other possible perspectives.

You are most welcome to join in activities such as: mini-lectures, workshops, debate sessions, try-outs, etc.  Sign up now!

Key notes

Two international key notes will speak on this day: Maria Knutson Wedel from Chalmers University and Pedro de Bryckere  from Belgium, author of the book ‘Urban myths about Learning and Education'.

More information about the programme can be found here.