Do you want to learn more about the engineering education innovations at our University? Then you should visit the Innovation Day at the TU/e on Thursday 1 October. Get inspired by expert keynote speaker professor Marc de Vries (TU/e alumnus, TU Delft) innovative colleagues and workshops on different topics such as blended learning and peer feedback.
12.00 Welcome
12.15 Opening by Frank Baaijens, Rector Magnificus
12.20 Innovation Market & Lunch
13.15 Keynote: "Educational science as engineering science, not natural science" by M.J. (Marc) de Vries
14.15 Innovation Market & coffee break
14.45 Workshops
- Workshop 1: Intelligent course redesign (Dr. Gunter Bombaerts (IE&IS))
- Workshop 2: Flipping & Blending your education (Dr. Wendy Sanders (ESoE), Ir. Suzanne Jacobs (W), Bianca van der Aalst (STU))
- Workshop 3: How to give feedback to students (Alexia Luising, TU-D), Dr. Marieke Thurlings (ESoE))
- Workshop 4: Guide selfstudy (Prof. dr. Douwe Beijaard, Dr. Gonny Schellings (ESoE))
16.15 Drinks
If you would like to participate in the event, please do not hesitate to register at the bottom of this page!