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Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Conference | ICAB2020

Thursday 5 November 2020 / 13.00 - 18.00
ICAB2020 Conference

The last few months have been critical for teachers and students trying to adapt quickly to online education. Experiments with digital forms for teaching and learning offered flexibility and customized solutions for learning. COVID-19 has also brought about numerous challenges to teach, engage, coach and assess students in digital environments. At the online ICAB conference, you are invited to share your views and current experiences with online teaching and learning in higher education. We hope to inspire each other for future hybrid forms of high-quality education, including improved student interaction and engagement. This year’s ICAB conference is fully devoted to Online Teaching & Learning and will be organized online, hosted by the Eindhoven University of Technology. 


ICAB2020 includes a livestream at TU/e of two keynote speakers:

In between the keynotes there are two one-hour parallel sessions with a variety of presentations and workshops related to online teaching and learning. The program can be found here. The complete program including details of the parallel sessions will be posted on the website after the submission period is closed.


For the two one-hour parallel sessions, we invite you to submit your contributions and/or suggestions as soon as possible, but no later than October 1. We hope to receive proposals (see submission details) for presentations, workshops and hands-on activities related to the central theme of ICAB ‘Online Teaching and Learning’, such as online or hybrid forms for lecturing, practicals or projects, online student engagement, online assessment, online supervision and coaching, etc. and the related student and teacher satisfaction. Contributions emphasizing the lessons we have learned so far in the last couple of months, aiming at enhancing learning, supporting interaction, and improving the quality in our current and future education, are strongly encouraged!  

Practical details

Conference date:

5 November 2020






Free of charge

Submission deadline:

1 October 2020


Registration closed 16 October 2020


Conference website:

About ICAB

ICAB is the collaboration of national Innovation Centers Academic Bèta education. It organizes an annual conference on education, hosted by one of the bèta universities in The Netherlands. In 2020, the Eindhoven University of Technology organizes ICAB around the theme of Online Teaching and Learning.