+31(0)6 48 27 55 61
Website: 4TU.nl
4TU.CEE continues the webinar series on challenge-based education at the 4TUs. The new series will discuss research into CBE/CBL practices and will focus on students, lecturers and stake holders. What can these groups learn when participating in CBE/CBL trajectories?
This fourth session will focus on assessment. We will do an exercise to explore opportunities to assess students’ work in challenge based education. We will specifically focus on how to make your assessment practice more authentic, how to provide your students with powerful feedback and how to let students take the lead in their own learning process. This workshop gives you a kick-start when you want to change your assessment practice. Furthermore, we will brainstorm about questions and challenges and related questions for future research initiatives.
Linda de Greef and Ilja Boor, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, UvA, authors of the book Meaningful assessment in interdisciplinary education, Meaningful Assessment in Interdisciplinary Education | Amsterdam University Press (aup.nl).
21 April 2022
9.00 -10.30h
Online | https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/89483575201
Free of charge for anyone working at 4TU.Please note that the webinar is initially meant for 4TU staff.