Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Thu 5 Oct 2017 / 09.30 - 17.00
Onboarding day 'Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in education' on 5 October
What do Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have to offer to Education? Does it create new solutions to unsolved problems in learning environments? Find out in the 4TU.CEE onboarding day on ‘Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in education’ with key notes Pierre Dillenbourg and Max Louwerse and hands-on workshops.
Wed 30 Aug 2017
Teaching Trick workshop
Join the Teaching Trick workshop given by Kristina Edström!
Mon 3 Jul 2017 / 12.30 - 13.30
Workshop Teacher Coaching on 3 July
Professional Identity begins to form when students start their academic study. Although addressing the Professional Identity Development (PID) of students can be very beneficial to students, it seldom is the explicit aim of educational programmes and courses. There is little empirical knowledge available to inform teachers, educational developers and programme directors on how to foster PID and on how to embed it in a course or an educational programme adequately. Against this background, Migchiel van Diggelen and Christina Morgan, studied how teacher coaching, aiming to foster students' professional identity development, was implemented in the departments of Industrial Design and Computer Science. The goal of the project was to gain insight into useful features for coaching models and to learn what good coaching entails.
Thu 15 Jun 2017 / 13.30 - 16.30
Workshop strategies for interdisciplinary teaching and learning
There is a need for engineers who are not afraid to ask critical questions, who can work together well and look beyond the boundaries of their own field. This means students need to learn more about integrating and applying knowledge, methods and skills from different subject areas and multiple sources. 
Mon 13 Feb 2017
Workshop Team Based Learning
On Monday 13 February, 4TU.CEE organises a workshop on Team Based Learning (TBL) in Twente. Teaching staff will learn how to motivate students to prepare for class and actively engage in acquiring and applying knowledge with fellow learners. The workshop will be given by Joy de Vries and Jacqueline Vos from the University of Amsterdam (UvA - AMC) who have been certified by Bradford University as TBL consultants and trainers. To register for this workshop, please send an email to Lisa Gommer:
Fri 3 Feb 2017 / 12.30 - 14.30
Workshop Gamification by Alexandru Iosup
Alexandru Iosup, Netherlands Teacher of the year 2015, will give a workshop on Gamification at TU/e on 3 February 2017. If you would like to know more about techniques to gamify your education and activate your students, this workshop is of interest to you!
Wed 1 Feb 2017 / 12.00 - 14.30
Workshops: exploring innovation and innovative digital questioning
Would you like to know how to use innovative adaptive questions for student assessment? Are you wondering how to apply educational innovations in your own courses? Find out in one of our workshops!
Tue 4 - 6 Oct 2016
Save the date! Teaching Trick Tour with Kristina Edström and Jakob Kuttenkeuler
We have to rethink our education as our student numbers are continuously growing. Sometimes this asks for disruptive innovations. On the other hand a more efficient organisation, reframing your education and/or activating your students by taking a coaching role can be solutions too. 4TU.CEE invited Kristina Edström and Jakob Kuttenkeuler to inspire lecturers on this topic in interactive workshops and keynotes that will take place on 4-6 October.
Wed 5 Oct 2016
TU/e Innovation Day – Save the date!
Want to learn more about engineering education innovations at the University? Then visit the Innovation Day at TU/e on Wednesday 5 October.
Wed 1 - 3 Jun 2016
Save the date: Workshop Entrepreneurial thinking in Engineering Education & Active and Collaborative Learning
Save the date: Workshop Entrepreneurial Thinking in Engineering Education & Active and Collaborative Learning
Tue 31 May 2016
Invitation TEM Seminar
Thu 31 Mar 2016
Follow up workshop Tour de Mazur at University of Twente
On 31 March a follow up workshop on several education topics will take place stemming from the successful Tour de Mazur workshop that took place in November last year at the University of Twente. During this workshop you will have the opportunity to get feedback on ideas you might have on implementing changes in your own course or module. Eric Mazur will (digitally) fly in to answer your questions.
Thu 28 Apr until 28 Mar 2016
3TU.CEE co-hosts mini symposium at HANNOVER MESSE
HANNOVER MESSE has been the world’s most important industrial tradeshow and largest capital goods exhibition for years. At the fair over 5,000 exhibitors will showcase the latest technologies during 5 days. Many Heads of States, amongst them President Obama, will be present. This year 3TU.CEE and 3TU. High Tech Systems will organise a mini symposium on the topic “Transforming engineering education: challenges and opportunities” on Thursday 28 April from 14:00-16:00 hours. Participants are invited to discuss their ideas on how to update the skills of tomorrow’s engineer in three interactive sessions with representatives from industry, start-ups and knowledge institutes. Topics are: deadly dilemmas, virtual labs and artificial intelligence.
Fri 11 Mar 2016
Motivation lecture by Maarten Vansteenkiste at TU/e
Maarten Vansteenkiste, professor at UGent Belgium, will give an interactive lecture on intrinsic motivation in engineering education at TU/e on 11 March 2016.
Wed 27 Jan 2016
STEM seminar
On Wednesday 27 January (instead of 3 February) the STEM seminar will take place at Metaforum TU/e. Professor dr. Ghislaine Gueudet, University of Brest, France will speak about 'Transition from secondary to higher education mathematics: selected research results from a French perspective'.