Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Mon 25 09.30 until 26 Jan 2016 18.00
3TU.CEE hosting CDIO European Regional Meeting
The CDIO regional meeting scheduled on 25-26 January 2016 edition is hosted by 3TU.CEE and takes place at Delft University of Technology.
Thu 10 - 11 Dec 2015
Workshops on digital testing 10-11 December
On 10 and 11 December SURFacademy and TU/e organise a series of workshops about digital testing. Subjects are: digital testing policy, choosing a testing system, testing chain safe assessment and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). 
Thu 10 Dec 2015
Invitation for workshop Kristina Edstrom
On 10 December Kristina Edstrom will give a workshop on improving student learning with ‘the Teaching Trick’. The workshop will take place during lunch time, 12.00-13.30 hours in the Multimediapaviljoen at TU Eindhoven. Lecturers from 3TU are welcome to participate. Registration is necessary, please contact: if you want to join the workshop. Please note that registration ends 7 December and that a maximum of 30 persons can participate. There is no participation fee and lunch will be provided. An abstract of the workshop can be found here.
Wed 25 Nov 2015
Eric Mazur visits 3TU.CEE in Twente
In November 2015, Eric Mazur, Physics professor from Harvard and Educationalist, will be visiting several universities in the Netherlands. On November 25th, professor Mazur will attend the University of Twente and share his ideas on Education & Assessment with us in a lunch lecture. Also, workshops will be organized where teaching staff from the 3TU can exchange ideas with Eric Mazur and work on further improvement of their education.
Tue 3 Nov 2015
UT Education Day 2015 – Student Engagement
At the University of Twente, the Education Day 2015 will take place on Tuesday November 3rd (in the afternoon). The complete programme will be in English. We want to offer a varied programme: inspirational and practical how-to workshops, a key-note and a think tank. Whether you like practical examples you can immediately work with, or you want to have food for thought: we’re aiming to offer it all. Central theme of the Education Day will be the question how to motivate and engage students in there learning process. Save the date (3 Nov) and follow the program on
Thu 1 Oct 2015
TU/e Innovation Day
Do you want to learn more about the engineering education innovations at our University? Then you should visit the Innovation Day at the TU/e on Thursday 1 October. Get inspired by expert keynote speaker professor Marc de Vries (TU/e alumnus, TU Delft) innovative colleagues and workshops on different topics such as blended learning and peer feedback.
Thu 1 Oct 2015
Deadline call for proposals TU/e Innovation Fund
Teachers often have good ideas in their daily work but tend to have limited resources to actively pursue them. So to facilitate teachers to do this, TU/e has organized the Innovation Fund, for four successive years. This year’s theme is ‘Blended Learning & New ways to supervise education’. Teachers from TU/e who have an excellent idea can submit a proposal. A total amount of €250.000* will be available from the TU/e Education Innovation Fund to support the selected calls.
Tue 15 Sep 2015 / 13.00 - 17.00
Support Session 2 proposals TU/e Education Innovation Fund
Teachers often have good ideas in their daily work but tend to have limited resources to actively pursue them. So to facilitate teachers to do this, TU/e has organized the Innovation Fund, for four successive years. This year’s theme is ‘Blended Learning & New ways to supervise education’. Teachers from TU/e who have an excellent idea can submit a proposal. A total amount of €250.000* will be available from the TU/e Education Innovation Fund to support the selected calls.
Tue 8 Sep 2015 / 13.00 - 17.00
Support Session 1 proposals TU/e Education Innovation Fund
Teachers often have good ideas in their daily work but tend to have limited resources to actively pursue them. So to facilitate teachers to do this, TU/e has organized the Innovation Fund, for four successive years. This year’s theme is ‘Blended Learning & New ways to supervise education’. Teachers from TU/e who have an excellent idea can submit a proposal. A total amount of €250.000* will be available from the TU/e Education Innovation Fund to support the selected calls.
Mon 29 Jun 09.00 until 2 Jul 2015 18.00
Sefi conference 2015
More information about the conference:
Tue 19 May 2015 / 10.30 - 16.30
Seminar Twents Onderwijsmodel: Op weg naar student driven learning
Meer weten over het nieuwe Twentse Onderwijsmodel? U bent welkom op het seminar op 19 mei a.s bij Universiteit Twente. 
Fri 27 Mar 2015 / 16.00 - 18.00
Inaugural Lecture Lex Lemmens Lex Lemmens was appointed full-time professor of ‘Academic Science and Engineering Education' in the Eindhoven School of Education at Eindhoven University of Technology on December 1st, 2013.
Fri 6 Mar 2015 / 12.00 - 13.00
Meet & greet innovation projects TU/e 2015
Interested in participating in the meet and greet session? Please send an email to Chantal Brans.
Mon 22 Sep 2014
Kick off Event CEE
The official kick-off of the 3TU.Centre of Engineering Education takes place at Delft University of Technology on Monday 22 September. For more information about the programme and registration, please visit the event website for the 3TU.CEE kick-off event.