Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Mon 22 Jun 2020 / 14.00 - 15.00
Teaching Academy and Rewarding Teaching Inspiration webinar
In this 4TU.CEE inspiration session Gwen van der Velden of Warwick University, will share how the Academy of Educators was established 4 years ago and the influence it has had on the status of education in traditionally research-oriented Warwick University. Academic staff can now be promoted on the basis of performance in research as well as in education. Several educational leaders and excellent lecturers have moved to professorial level and the quality of education has increased.
Thu 18 Jun 2020 / 14.00 - 15.00
Technical Knowledge or Professional Skills Inspiration webinar
Engineering education has an academic side that favours theoretical knowledge in engineering sciences, and a professional side that emphasizes skills for engineering practice. In this 4TU.CEE inspiration session Kristina Edström explores some associated tensions, by highlighting debates in the past and present, strategies for integrating both sides in the curriculum, and the resulting demands on faculty.
Mon 6 09.00 until 7 Apr 2020 17.00
Training 'Teaching in the international classroom'
This 2-day course is designed to help teaching staff at universities learn to teach their domestic and international students core intercultural competencies. Students need to learn these in order to interact more effectively and appropriately with the culturally diverse student population and lecturers they are encountering in today’s international classrooms and will continue to encounter during their future careers.
Tue 17 Mar 12.00 until 17 Feb 2020 17.00
Lunch lecture & workshop
Roland Tormey, pedagogical advisor at EPFL, will visit TU Delft on  17 March 2020. In the workshop evidence based redesign he will introduce us to Discipline Based Educational Research. You will explore how you can use a scientific approach to improve your own teaching. Prior to the workshop, Tormey will exchange experiences on student learning in teamwork projects at his university in a lunch lecture. You are warmly invited to both events.
Fri 14 Feb 2020 / 09.00 - 17.00
Workshop 'Fear of failure'
International students are confronted with various challenges when moving abroad: increased stress, isolation, anxiety and difficulties, while adjusting to a very different environment. This 1-day training will explore how teaching and counselling staff can help students stabilise their self-esteem and cope with the emotions triggered by real or perceived failure. Themes such as culture and learning, acceptance of limitations, cognitive reframing and unconditional self-worth will be discussed. Participants will be provided with strategies and interventions to be used when encountering such cases.
Tue 4 Feb 2020 / 10.00 - 17.00
Learning Spaces Tour University of Twente
Our next stop in the learning spaces tour is the University of Twente on the 4th of February 2020. We will visit the Design Lab and the Technical Medical Center (brand new building). Presentations by the Robo student team, Virtual Reality and Smart Industry Labs and the Programme Director of Creative Technology are scheduled. The program will also include a workshop to let us experience how the ‘innovative learning space’ stimulates learning and innovation. The draft programme will be updated when more details are known.
Mon 27 Jan 2020 / 09.00 - 13.00
Workshop TU/e Innovation Fund projects
On Monday January 27th 2020 4TU.CEE organises a workshop to inspire teachers at TU/e to propose new projects on innovation in education. Recently, the combined call for proposals TU/e education innovation funds 2020 was published. During the workshop previously funded projects are exhibited and a panel discussion will take place on innovations in education in relation to the TU/e Education Vision 2030.
Fri 24 Jan 2020 / 12.00 - 14.00
Lunch lecture Team-based professional development
On the 24th of January 2020 Inken Gast, assistant professor at Maastricht University, will shed more light on the opportunities for teacher professional development during collaborative curriculum design and implementation, as well as on ways in which higher education institutions can positively influence teacher attitudes towards curriculum innovations.
Wed 8 Jan 2020 / 12.30 - 16.00
Challenges of CBL in university context: lunch and workshop
4TU.CEE and CELT (Centre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching at UT)  in cooperation with Linköping University offer a lunch meeting and a workshop about the challenges of designing and implementing Challenge Based Learning (CBL) in university context on Wednesday 8 January 2020. The lunch meeting is for everyone interested in CBL, the workshop is for those who are considering implementation of (elements of) CBL.
Fri 13 Dec 2019 / 09.00 - 17.00
Workshop 'Inclusiveness for better study results'
When topics such as cultural differences, politics, gender and religious practices are discussed, even the most well-meaning can make painful mistakes that can lead to cultural conflict and misunderstanding. In this training, you are guided through some of the most challenging topics in the field of inclusion, such as micro-aggression, cultural appropriation and implicit bias. Furthermore you will be trained in this 1-day workshop how to create an inclusive environment in the 21st century.
Fri 1 Nov 2019 / 09.00 - 17.00
Workshop 'Culturally appropriate and effective feedback'
During this workshop you will become acquainted with diverse ways of giving effective feedback, which can help you manage student performance in a transcultural context. You will practice methods that are very useful. You will learn what feedback means in an intercultural context, how it affects the learning process, and what the impact is of the message you communicate to others. The workshop focuses on formative feedback in the international classroom as well as in other professional settings in higher education.  Diverse methods will be practiced. Personal inventories, critical incidents and questionnaires will be used as tools to develop and enhance your spectrum of giving feedback and become more effective in the learning process.
Thu 31 Oct 2019 / 11.00 - 14.00
Workshops 'creating educational innovations that work'
Have you also been disappointed by the failure of a good innovative educational idea?
Fri 18 Oct 2019 / 09.00 - 17.00
Workshop 'Culturally appropriate and effective feedback'
During this workshop you will become acquainted with diverse ways of giving effective feedback, which can help you manage student performance in a transcultural context. You will practice methods that are very useful. You will learn what feedback can mean in an intercultural context, how it affects the learning process, and what the impact is of the message you communicate to others. The workshop focuses on feedback in the international classroom as well as in other professional settings in higher education. Diverse methods will be practiced. Personal inventories, critical incidents and questionnaires will be used as tools to develop and enhance your spectrum of giving feedback and become more effective in the learning process.
Thu 17 Oct 2019 / 12.30 - 13.30
Supporting student project teams at EPFL
Are you interested to hear how EPFL in Switzerland supports student project teams? Then join the lunch and learn event on 17 October at University of Twente.
Tue 8 Oct 2019 / 10.00 - 17.00
Learning Spaces Tour @ TU/e
-Discover the added value of innovative learning spaces for education-