Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Fri 21 Sep 2018
Workshop 'From emotional to cultural intelligence'
Learn about the relevance of cultural intelligence in international environments.
Tue 18 Sep 2018
Workshop 'inclusiveness for better study results'
 A 1-Day Training on: 'Inclusiveness for better study results' 
Fri 15 Jun 2018
Workshop 'How to beat procrastination'
A 1-day workshop designed to support lecturers who struggle with procrastinating tendencies of their students. It will provide you with useful information and strategies that will support you in helping students to develop the mind-set and the capacity to start and finish their projects on time!
Thu 17 May 2018 / 14.00 - 16.00
Discussion on engineering education of the future with MIT and 4TU
Come and join in the discussion of future proof Engineering Education with MIT and 4TU
Wed 9 May 2018
Training 'Supporting international students'
Don´t miss the opportunity to follow this in-depth 1 Day Training on:
Wed 18 Apr 2018 / 13.30 - 15.00
Workshop 'working with change agents'
In this interactive workshop Monika Rummler of TU Berlin  will share a challenge-based model of teaching and learning of staff with “teaching change agents”. The challenge-based model specifically focuses on the daily challenges teachers face in their work. Challenges that cannot be addressed immediately, but need addressing immediately. Challenges for whom no-one is available on the spot, but your peer next door who is also swamped in his/her research activities.
Wed 18 Apr 2018 / 11.45 - 13.00
Lunch lecture 'activating large classes (1000+)'
At TU Berlin bachelor studies include lectures with a massive number of students between 500 and 1500 students attending. In what way is it possible to keep these masses engaged, on task and making the most of their studies. Monika Rummler of TU Berlin will share how they prepare their teaching staff. She will share insights into the most frequently encountered problems during these classes and what one can do to deal with those problems.
Tue 17 Apr 2018 / 12.30 - 13.30
Lunch colloquium
CELT and 4TU.CEE invite you for a lunch colloquium on 'Professional development for Higher Education teaching staff'. Dr. Monika Rummler (Centre for Scientific Continuing Education and Cooperation, TU Berlin) will present and discuss how TU Berlin is improving teaching and learning via continuing professional development of teaching staff.
Thu 8 09.00 until 9 Mar 2018 17.00
Don´t miss the opportunity to follow 1½ day training on:
Tue 30 Jan 2018 / 09.00 - 18.00
2nd National Interdisciplinary Education Conference
The second National Conference on Interdisciplinary Education (NIE) will take place on January 30, 2018, at Eindhoven University of Technology. During this conference teachers and researchers from universities in the Netherlands and Flanders will share their experiences, practices, expertise, and ideas on interdisciplinary education in the domain of higher education. The conference is hosted by 4TU.CEE. Tickets for the conference are available now.
31 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2017
TU/e Innovation day 2018
Would you like to learn more about innovations in engineering education innovations at TU Eindhoven? And more specifically about Innovations in the context of the Innovation Space? Then visit the third (educational) Innovation Day at TU/e on Wednesday 31 January 2018. Goal of this day is to inspire teachers and support staff to improve or innovate our teaching practice. There will be ample time and opportunity to talk about education, educational innovations and to get acquainted with new tools and tricks. During the day several workshops about education will take place at the Innovation Space, such as student guidance in project education, feedback in education and adapting to change. After the first workshop round, the innovation market can be visited. At the innovation market, last year's TU/e innovation projects present their results and new projects present their plans for the upcoming year. A moment to share experiences and ideas to improve our education! 
Tue 12 Dec 2017 / 09.30 - 15.45
Teachers Day Wageningen University & Research
The Teachers Day of WUR will take place on 12 December this year. The focus is on innovative university teaching and the experience of teachers involved in education innovation. An attractive programme has been composed with sessions on e.g. ‘diversity in the classroom’, ‘Peer review’ and ‘FeedbackFruits’. You will find the programme here. Note that the links in the programme only work for employees of WUR. Are you a lecturer from one of the other TU’s and would you like to have more information or participate in the Teachers Day, please contact Emiel van Puffelen, 4TU.CEE coordinator for WUR. You can also register directly.
Tue 28 Nov 2017 / 12.30 - 13.30
Lunch & Learn session Team-based Learning
More and more UT teachers experience the advantages of Team-based Learning (TBL). TBL is a versatile instructional strategy, in which students learn to work together in a team. On 28 November a session on TBL is organised at University of Twente. Subscribe now!
Tue 7 Nov 2017 / 10.00 - 13.00
Workshop 'Compose the engineer of the future'
4TU.Centre for Engineering Education and Matthijs van Dijk of Reframing Studio will be giving a workshop titled ‘Composing the Engineer of the Future’, at the TU Delft Teaching Lab. Sign up now!
Thu 19 Oct 2017 / 08.45 - 17.30
19 October Education day 2017 University of Twente
A University is involved in both fields: research and education, but how is the balance between these two? Is the one more important than the other or not? How do they reinforce each other? This year's Education Day is about the interplay between research and education. Keynotes and workshops focus either on research about education, education in research, research and education, research in education or other possible perspectives.