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Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Innovation Map
The Innovation Map provides information on education innovation projects at the four technical universities in the Netherlands. including access to tools, research results, promising practices and much more. Get inspired, join the community and upload your own project(s).
Raymond Loohuis
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My name Raymond Loohuis, and I am a senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Twente where I work for the research group for Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Innovation Management (NIKOS). I coordinate the Strategic Marketing Management master track in the Business Administration program and teach courses in the area of business marketing, business development and new technology management in various education programs. My current research focus revolves around the question how SME’s (Small and Medium size enterprises) anticipate on the challenges and opportunities of smart industrial technology. I am also co-promotor of three PhD candidates conducting research on personal branding, value experience and strategizing in emergent industrial ecosystems. Next, I am a frequent reviewer of the Industrial Marketing Management Journal (Elsevier) and presented my research work at various leading management conferences, such as AOM and EGOS. I published in Research in Management Consulting (IAP) on the dynamics of strategic alliance formation and in Research in the Sociology of Organizations (RSO, Emerald) on emergent routine dynamics.

Innovations of Raymond Loohuis

dr. Raymond Loohuis
Opportunities for Enterprise Education in the IBA Program
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumIncluding practical outcomeUniversity of Twente
Created: 29/06/2019
Modified: 15/10/2020
An exploration of the entrepreneurial opportunities for “practice driven” enterprise education and provide recommendations for enterprise education in the IBA in a pedagogically responsible manner.
ICT enhanced engineering education
Teaching & Learning Fellows: Enriching the educational landscape with Challenge Based Learning at the UT.
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumBScMScIncluding practical outcomeInformative without practical outcomeUniversity of Twente
Created: 16/12/2021
Modified: 16/12/2021
The Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) has started a pilot with Teaching & Learning Fellows in 2021. The pilot consists of 5 Faculty fellows and 2 senior fellows (7 persons in total). The fellows will work together on a specific theme for the upcoming 2 years. The theme of
Interdisciplinary education
Teaching Excellence
Train the Trainer Program in Entrepreneurial Engineering
Course LevelEvidence BasedIncluding practical outcomeDelft University of TechnologyUniversity of Twente
Created: 31/01/2023
Modified: 04/02/2025
Train the Trainer program in Entrepreneurial Engineering creates a learning hub for engineering lecturers who are interested in bringing entrepreneurship and innovation theory and knowledge into their regular engineering courses.
Entrepreneurial Learning
Teaching Excellence