Suhyb Salama is an expert in remote sensing of hydrology, with focus on deriving spatial information on water quality and quantity and increasing the consistency and accuracy of remote sensing retrievals. In education, Suhyb has dedicated his activities to teaching, development and coordination of the education curricula in water resources and environmental management. In his capacity as the director of Master’s Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation(M-GEO) Suhyb contributes to the faculty vision and policy on education and foresees the development of the programme, quality assurance and (re)accreditation.
Innovations of Suhyb Salama
dr. ir. Suhyb Salama
s.salama@utwente.nlEntrepreneurship in Geospatial Education: a Bridge Towards Sustainable Development
Created: 29/06/2019
Modified: 22/09/2020
Modified: 22/09/2020
The herein proposed entrepreneurship course will empower M-GEO students with the skills to innovate solutions that are sustainable and have socio-economic relevance.