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Innovation Map
The Innovation Map provides information on education innovation projects at the four technical universities in the Netherlands. including access to tools, research results, promising practices and much more. Get inspired, join the community and upload your own project(s).
Robin de Graaf
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Robin de Graaf is a lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering Technology at the University of Twente. His teaching, research and projects focus on the design management of construction projects in general, and on Systems Engineering and Value Management in particular. Robin is responsible for teaching two Master Courses: Systems Engineering in Construction and Value Management in Construction. In addition, he is involved in the course Systems Engineering for PDEng and in several Bachelor Modules. Robin is also a member of the Educational Committee of Civil Engineering. He has an MSc in Civil Engineering & Management and a PhD in Strategic Urban Planning.

Innovations of Robin de Graaf

dr. ir. Robin de Graaf
Improving Learning Outcomes Of Small Groups Working On An Engineering Design-Assignment During Lectures
Curriculum LevelUniversity of Twente
Created: 21/05/2021
Modified: 08/06/2021
In the past years, the interest in collaborative learning has increased substantially. However, despite the attention for collaborative learning and the existing body of knowledge on that topic, many lecturers experience problems when implementing collaborative learning.
Interdisciplinary education
Teaching Excellence
Teaching & Learning Fellows: Enriching the educational landscape with Challenge Based Learning at the UT.
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumBScMScIncluding practical outcomeInformative without practical outcomeUniversity of Twente
Created: 16/12/2021
Modified: 16/12/2021
The Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) has started a pilot with Teaching & Learning Fellows in 2021. The pilot consists of 5 Faculty fellows and 2 senior fellows (7 persons in total). The fellows will work together on a specific theme for the upcoming 2 years. The theme of
Interdisciplinary education
Teaching Excellence
The results of my Teaching & Learning Fellowship on CBL
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumBScMScEvidence BasedToolIncluding practical outcomeUniversity of Twente
Created: 18/12/2024
Modified: 18/12/2024
This project describes the results of my CBL Teaching & Learning Fellowship at the UT. The Fellowship focussed on the effectiveness and adoption of CBL, and on the development of a free web-based CBL tool, called Challenge Up, to assist teachers with CBL implementation.
Challenge based learning
Teaching Excellence