Alberto Martinetti (1985) is Assistant Professor in Maintenance Engineering in the department of Design, Production and Management at the University of Twente. He is track coordinator of the Maintenance Engineering and Operations specialisation in Mechanical Engineering. Previously, he worked for the Polytechnic of Turin and for the University of Turin. He obtained a Master Degree in Geo-resources and Geo-technologies Engineering (2009) and a PhD degree in Environmental and Land / Safety and Health at the Polytechnic of Turin (2013). His research mainly focusses on Maintenance and Safety Engineering and on the application of emergent technologies to these sectors.
In addition to the present work on Student-driven Learning, Alberto’s educational researches focus also on Adaptive Learning (Comenius Teaching Grant) and on Cooperative eLearning for Higher Education in Industrial Innovation (Erasmus+ CEPHEI).
In addition to the present work on Student-driven Learning, Alberto’s educational researches focus also on Adaptive Learning (Comenius Teaching Grant) and on Cooperative eLearning for Higher Education in Industrial Innovation (Erasmus+ CEPHEI).