I am a senior lecturer in the BSc and MSc program Technical Medicine (University of Twente) in modules including Cell Biology (theory and practical course), Biomaterials for clinical interventions (also module-coordinator) and in the mastercourse Clinical Biotechnology (also course coordinator). Since 2020, I also teach Cell Biology in the program ATLAS University College.
Since August 2021, I started as teaching fellow on Challenge Based Learning (0.2FTE). This fellowship will allow her to gain experience and to conduct research on Challenge Based Learning methods in her education.
Since August 2021, I started as teaching fellow on Challenge Based Learning (0.2FTE). This fellowship will allow her to gain experience and to conduct research on Challenge Based Learning methods in her education.
Innovations of Anne Leferink
Integration of Soft and Academic Skills
Created: 26/06/2019
Modified: 15/10/2020
Modified: 15/10/2020
Soft skills and academic skills are considered to be of high importance for the success of students after their graduation. To be able to propose methods to integrate, assess and monitor learning objectives related to soft and academic skills in the bachelor curriculum, more insight should be gained in whether and at what level integration is applied.
Teacher’s role in CBL; From expectation management to assessment.
Created: 26/01/2022
Modified: 26/01/2022
Modified: 26/01/2022
This project aims at exploring the role of the teacher in a master course that is set-up with a Challenge Based Learning Framework.
Teaching & Learning Fellows: Enriching the educational landscape with Challenge Based Learning at the UT.
Created: 16/12/2021
Modified: 16/12/2021
Modified: 16/12/2021
The Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) has started a pilot with Teaching & Learning Fellows in 2021. The pilot consists of 5 Faculty fellows and 2 senior fellows (7 persons in total). The fellows will work together on a specific theme for the upcoming 2 years. The theme of