Innovations of Karolina Doulougeri
Development of an assessment tool for Design-Based Learning Environment
Created: 16/03/2018
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Learning Environments often encompass the social, physical, psychological, and pedagogical contexts in which teaching and learning occur. It includes the relationship between the teacher and the students, the relationship among the students, students’ learning approaches and motivations, supportive learning technologies, how the curriculum has been developed in relation to the learning outcomes s…
How to coach students that work on complex design challenges of a multi-disciplinary nature?
Created: 08/03/2017
Modified: 19/10/2020
Modified: 19/10/2020
In the long run, the aim of the Eindhoven University of Technology is to educate the engineer of the future who deals with complex design challenges which are multidisciplinary by nature (CDCM) requiring creative and innovative thinking and making skills (source: website TU/e). Dealing with this kind of challenges asks for a non-traditional design engineering approach and a different way of educa…