Innovations of Judith Gulikers
Assessing student learning in transdisciplinary learning environments
Created: 18/12/2024
Modified: 18/12/2024
Modified: 18/12/2024
The ultimate goal is to have a better understanding of the why, what and how of assessing student learning in transdisciplinary education, and the relation between these three aspects. From those insights we expect to create an assessment framework.
Boundary Crossing @ WUR
Created: 10/03/2020
Modified: 27/03/2025
Modified: 27/03/2025
BC competence is a key competence to respond to emerging global challenges, and is at the forefront of the educational vision of Wageningen University.
Challenge-Based Learning in Wageningen University & Research (CBL@WUR)
Created: 18/06/2020
Modified: 05/07/2022
Modified: 05/07/2022
This project focuses on defining what challenge-based learning at WUR means.
Developing transdisciplinary professionals in transdisciplinary mixed classroom
Created: 21/03/2025
Modified: 21/03/2025
Modified: 21/03/2025
Our society is in need of transdisciplinary professionals who can deal with or solve wicked problems. They need boundary crossing competence to be able to do so.
Pedagogical Development programmes in Higher Education. What works for whom and under which circumstances?
Created: 30/11/2020
Modified: 20/03/2025
Modified: 20/03/2025
This PhD research aims to gain more insight into the relationship between characteristics of Pedagogical Development Programs and university teachers learning outcomes.
Skills learning trajectories
Created: 10/07/2020
Modified: 12/02/2025
Modified: 12/02/2025
This project evaluates the design and implementation of skills learning trajectories of bachelor programmes at Wageningen University. Perspectives of different stakeholders are taken into account. Including recommendations for implementating skills learning trajectories.