Innovations of Sanne Boesveldt
Bringing sensory science to the (online) future
Created: 30/07/2018
Modified: 15/10/2020
Modified: 15/10/2020
The course 'HNE-30506 Principles of Sensory Science' sets a maximum number of students, due to the limited capacity in specialized practicals and facilities for group work (e.g. sensory booths at restaurant of the Future and the kitchen of Forum). As we do not wish to increase group sizes since this will limit the learning experience of individual students, we would like to spread the practicals…
Increased pracital capacity by turning lectures into knowledge clips
Created: 25/10/2017
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Our course attracts many students, but is limited in capacity due to certain practicals and facilities. We created more flexibility in our course schedule, by turning specific lectures into knowledge clips, that students can watch at their own pace and time.