Innovations of Chantal Brans
Comparing Bachelor Curriculum Innovations at the three technical universities
Created: 02/09/2016
Modified: 08/10/2020
Modified: 08/10/2020
In 2010, a nationwide discussion took place about the profiling of universities in the Netherlands. The discussion was instigated by the report from the committee ‘Toekomstbestendig Hoger Onderwijs Stelsel’ (Veerman, 2010). Around the same time, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OC&W) was developing plans for making performance agreements with all institutions of Higher Education in…
Preparing engineering students for tomorrows challenges
Created: 28/06/2021
Modified: 18/02/2022
Modified: 18/02/2022
Examining design characteristics that make CBL challenges work and what should be done to support interdisciplinarity in innovation space education.