Innovations of Kirsten Verkooijen
Improving peer review and peer assessment
Created: 08/11/2017
Modified: 19/10/2020
Modified: 19/10/2020
We developed a workshop in which students actively learn about the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of peer feedback. We used previously handed in papers (papers marked with either a 5, 7 or 9) to practice peer review. Additionally, we made use of the Self and Peer Assessment building block in Blackboard, to evaluate the work of fellow students against defined criteria (a rubric). We believe that this combination…
Self-tests and instruction videos for psychology research skills training
Created: 01/03/2017
Modified: 15/10/2020
Modified: 15/10/2020
In this project, self-tests were combined with video, so that students would learn new things and test their knowledge. Depending on their test results, they can decide whether or not to go to the lectures. Two self-tests, including instructions, were developed and used in the course. It was compulsory for students to take part in the self-tests. The first self-test was well designed. The second…