Innovations of Faas Moonen
Challenge-Based-Learning @ TU/e: interdisciplinary projects and extracurricular activities
Created: 06/07/2019
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
We focus on rewards for students for skills achieved in extra-curricular activities and the learning goals attached to that.
More and better feedback with carrousel evaluations
Created: 18/05/2016
Modified: 15/10/2020
Modified: 15/10/2020
Design‐Based Learning (Ontwerp Gericht Onderwijs, OGO) as a method of teaching is broadly accepted. However, there is much debate about the method used to assess the outcome and the design process. Reflection on the process as well as on the contents is extremely important in DBL. Since reflection has to be learnt as part of learning how to design too, an evaluation method has been developed by E…