Innovations of Alexander Schüler - Meyer
Distance collaboration with mobile technology
Created: 19/01/2021
Modified: 23/11/2021
Modified: 23/11/2021
Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, many students have to work from home. However, collaboration is essential for students to learn. To address this issue, we investigated how students can be promoted to collaborate over distance by using tablets and smart pens.
Enhancing bachelor students’ ownership in hands-on education: the case of mechanical engineering
Created: 10/07/2019
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Develop OGO-projects into the direction of Challenge Based Learning int the department of mechanical engineering.
Structural scaffolding via diagrams to teach students syntactic proof production
Created: 08/06/2020
Modified: 03/02/2022
Modified: 03/02/2022
Students often have difficulty arguing in a rigorous manner. We consider structural scaffolding, the principle of materializing structural features. We supplied students with a visual diagram-style representation of the underlying logic.
TUe mobile – Mobile learning for challenge-based education
Created: 13/03/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Mobility is a defining factor of today’s world. In today’s world, students learn in different settings, in and out of campus, in the train or at a café. Engineers collaborate with partners all over the world. This is made possible by mobile technology, which allows individuals to access information everywhere, and to do meaningful work on the go.
There is yet a lack of evidence on promising prac…
There is yet a lack of evidence on promising prac…