Innovations of Anja Kuipers
Creating a global outdoor classroom on sustainable foodscapes
Created: 16/08/2018
Modified: 23/09/2020
Modified: 23/09/2020
As Wageningen University and Research, we profile ourselves as a key actor on the international stage in the academic domain of “healthy food and living environment”. The problem we are trying to solve with this project is that there is a mismatch between WUR’s global aspirations and its current menu of “real-life, authentic examples”, which is limited to either Dutch case-studies, Western Europe…
From students to academic writers
Created: 16/08/2018
Modified: 19/10/2020
Modified: 19/10/2020
With this project, we want to create a coherent learning path for scientific writing skills for the courses within BPW, based on well-connected, recognizable elements. Central focus in this learning path will be the writing process of students, supported by cooperative learning. The learning path will enable and encourage both students and teachers to gain more insight into individual writing lev…
Learning lines for courses on introduction, orientation, research methodology, principles, approaches and theories
Created: 08/05/2017
Modified: 19/10/2020
Modified: 19/10/2020
This project focusses on increasing the coherence between courses of the study programme, in particular between integrating courses with activating didactics (such as the introduction, orientation and research methodology courses on plant sciences in BPW and the planning and design studios in BLP) and supporting courses on concepts, principles, approaches, theories and methods. It also focusses o…