Physics teacher and teacher educator / Coordinator master of education in physics / Educational researcher
Innovations of Zeger-Jan Kock
Challenge Based Education in/for Mathematics and Physics education
Created: 13/08/2020
Modified: 14/10/2021
Modified: 14/10/2021
TU/e students can perform their bachelor end projects (BEP) using a multidisciplinary challenge-based approach at TU/e Innovation Space . This research is directed at formulating design criteria for these BEPs to increase the participation of Mathematics and Physics students.
Student learning experiences in challenge-based education: The cases of applied mathematics and physics
Created: 08/10/2021
Modified: 02/11/2023
Modified: 02/11/2023
We investigate the intended, enacted, and experienced curricula of three Challenge-Based courses involving mathematics and physics students, at the start and end of bachelor engineering programs and the start of a master program. The aim is to find out the support students need.
TUe mobile – Mobile learning for challenge-based education
Created: 13/03/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Mobility is a defining factor of today’s world. In today’s world, students learn in different settings, in and out of campus, in the train or at a café. Engineers collaborate with partners all over the world. This is made possible by mobile technology, which allows individuals to access information everywhere, and to do meaningful work on the go.
There is yet a lack of evidence on promising prac…
There is yet a lack of evidence on promising prac…