Innovations of Clemens Verhoosel
7 project phases approach visualized
Created: 16/03/2018
Modified: 22/09/2020
Modified: 22/09/2020
For hands-on project based education, a structured approach helps students to learn to answer open questions. A seven-phase project approach has been developed in the base course Engineering Design (4WBB0), mandatory for all TU/e Bachelor students. The base of this seven phase approach is found in literature (e.g. Exploring Engineering, Kosky et al.).
Created: 13/11/2023
Modified: 08/05/2024
Modified: 08/05/2024
Enhancing bachelor students’ ownership in hands-on education: the case of mechanical engineering
Created: 10/07/2019
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Develop OGO-projects into the direction of Challenge Based Learning int the department of mechanical engineering.