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Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


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Innovation Map
The Innovation Map provides information on education innovation projects at the four technical universities in the Netherlands. including access to tools, research results, promising practices and much more. Get inspired, join the community and upload your own project(s).
Remon Rooij
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Remon Rooij is an Associate Professor at the Department of Urbanism. He is the TU Delft CDIO leader and the TU Delft co-leader of the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education. Remon is a passionate lecturer, coach, course and curriculum designer, education innovator, and researcher in engineering education. Remon has over 25 years of experience in teaching and coordinating a large variety of design and planning courses and programs within the faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment. He is particularly interested in engaging engineering pedagogies that stimulate the intrinsic motivation of students (such as design education, CBL, and inter- and transdisciplinary learning environments) and the kind of academic and professional skills that come with these.

Innovations of Remon Rooij R.M. (Remon) Rooij
Advancing university teaching and educational careers
Above curriculumBScMScPhDIncluding practical outcomeEindhoven University of TechnologyDelft University of TechnologyUniversity of TwenteWageningen University & Research
Created: 16/09/2021
Modified: 12/03/2025
Many changes are taking place within university education, and there are specific developments in the field of engineering education. These changes require changing roles and competencies of university teachers and more opportunities for teaching specialisation.
Teaching Excellence
Design studio pedagogies
Above curriculumEvidence BasedDelft University of Technology
Created: 26/10/2020
Modified: 27/08/2023
The studio is a pivotal pedagogical setting for teaching and learning to design in the faculties of IDE and ABE. But how do different studios define their focus and approach?
Teaching Excellence
Evaluating Innovation
Above curriculumEvidence BasedToolIncluding practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 19/10/2022
Modified: 31/01/2023
To ensure sustainable and resilient innovation in engineering education, we need a coherent planning and evaluation strategy.
Teaching Excellence
INSIGHT - Academic skills for architects
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumBScToolDelft University of Technology
Created: 11/06/2020
Modified: 02/06/2022
Architecture (‘Bouwkunde’) is an engineering science that focuses on solving socio-spatial-technical issues in the built environment. Together with many faculty colleagues, we clarify academic skills for architects (‘bouwkundigen’).
Teaching Excellence
Seminar Research on Education Innovation
Above curriculumWorkshopDelft University of Technology
Created: 26/10/2020
Modified: 30/10/2020
In the academic year ’20-’21 this seminar brings together the Architecture and the Built Environmen faculty staff to present and further discuss education experiences.
Teaching Excellence
State of education of four key engineering approaches at the TU Delft
Course LevelBScMScPhDEvidence BasedToolInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 29/06/2021
Modified: 31/01/2023
The 4TU.CEE strategic agenda of 2022-2025 prioritizes the following engineering education themes: Digital skills & computational thinking, Ethics & responsible engineering, Challenge-based education, and Entrepreneurial engineering education.
Dealing with diversity
Interdisciplinary education
Teaching Excellence
Study stress in design education
Above curriculumInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 11/06/2020
Modified: 03/11/2022
Design education too often goes together with over-aroused students and (over)ambitious teachers, leading to higher levels of student stress. We aim to better understand study stress in design education, directly contributing to TUD agenda on study climate and student well-being.
Dealing with diversity
Teaching Excellence
Train the Trainer Program in Entrepreneurial Engineering
Course LevelEvidence BasedIncluding practical outcomeDelft University of TechnologyUniversity of Twente
Created: 31/01/2023
Modified: 04/02/2025
Train the Trainer program in Entrepreneurial Engineering creates a learning hub for engineering lecturers who are interested in bringing entrepreneurship and innovation theory and knowledge into their regular engineering courses.
Entrepreneurial Learning
Teaching Excellence