Innovations of Cassandra Tho
Boundary Crossing @ WUR
Created: 10/03/2020
Modified: 09/02/2024
Modified: 09/02/2024
BC competence is a key competence to respond to emerging global challenges, and is at the forefront of the educational vision of Wageningen University.
Challenge-Based Learning in Wageningen University & Research (CBL@WUR)
Created: 18/06/2020
Modified: 05/07/2022
Modified: 05/07/2022
This project focuses on defining what challenge-based learning at WUR means.
Cultivating learning in the transdisciplinary-oriented Academic Consultancy Training
Created: 14/08/2018
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
This project has developed innovative learning materials and activities for fostering students’ transdisciplinary learning, in the context of the Academic Consultancy Training (ACT). Additionally, a complementary research study is performed in order to understand the effects of this innovation and to explore what helps cultivating and drives transdisciplinary learning in ACT, based on the views o…
Evaluation of “Bring Your Own Device” Project in WUR
Created: 17/03/2020
Modified: 15/10/2020
Modified: 15/10/2020
Wageningen University and Research (WUR) is looking into creating more flexibility in education, to enable students to be able to use supporting software and technology on their own devices instead of being constrained to the EduPCs in the PC rooms. As such, the “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)” project was introduced. In this project, students would have the opportunity to use their own laptops (in…
Teaching Large Groups
Created: 28/01/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
Modified: 28/09/2020
In recent years, there has been an increasing trend in the number of students entering Dutch universities. The increasing student numbers bring about many advantages. However, more often than not, this increase in student numbers is not steadily met with an increase in resources (e.g. teachers, infrastructure etc.). As such, teachers are having to deal with an even larger group of students than b…