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Innovation Map
The Innovation Map provides information on education innovation projects at the four technical universities in the Netherlands. including access to tools, research results, promising practices and much more. Get inspired, join the community and upload your own project(s).
Renate Klaassen
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Innovations of Renate Klaassen

R.G. (Renate) Klaassen
Collaborative Design Lab for Education and Learning
Above curriculumBScMScDelft University of Technology
Created: 15/10/2020
Modified: 05/09/2023
TU Delft invests in Collaborative Design Labs for Education purposes, allowing for concurrent and integrated product development activities in virtual learning environments. A PhD and teaching support are appointed to deliver empirical evidence for effects of these Labs.
Challenge based learning
Interdisciplinary education
ICT enhanced engineering education
Comparing Bachelor Curriculum Innovations at the three technical universities
Curriculum LevelEvidence BasedArticle (research paper)Informative without practical outcomeEindhoven University of TechnologyDelft University of TechnologyUniversity of Twente
Created: 02/09/2016
Modified: 08/10/2020
In 2010, a nationwide discussion took place about the profiling of universities in the Netherlands. The discussion was instigated by the report from the committee ‘Toekomstbestendig Hoger Onderwijs Stelsel’ (Veerman, 2010). Around the same time, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OC&W) was developing plans for making performance agreements with all institutions of Higher Education in…
Teaching Excellence
Educating Uncertainty
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumBScMScEvidence BasedArticle (research paper)ToolDelft University of TechnologyWageningen University & Research
Created: 20/06/2024
Modified: 24/02/2025
In her PhD, Nina investigated courses and curricula that build bridges to connect academic knowledge and the sustainability challenges of the city. Her research takes a specific interest in how students learn to deal with uncertainty.
Challenge based learning
Sustainability and responsible engineering education
Interdisciplinary education
Teaching Excellence
Effectiveness of Rubrics in the Master of Architecture
Course LevelEvidence BasedInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 27/07/2016
Modified: 11/11/2020
Master students of Architecture at TU Delft choose a master studio for their graduation, in which they complete design assignments working towards a final graduation project. A grading rubric was created to make the assessment of these master designs as objective as possible.
Teaching Excellence
Interdisciplinary Engineering Education
Course LevelArticle (research paper)Informative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 08/07/2020
Modified: 11/11/2020
With the more complex society challenges, interdisciplinary education is a means to face these challenges. This research was carried out to provide guidelines on how to build interdisciplinary engineering curricula at TU Delft.
Interdisciplinary education
Joint Interdisciplinary Project (JIP)
Course LevelInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 15/07/2020
Modified: 11/11/2020
In JIP, 2nd year master students work for 10 weeks in a professional and interdisciplinary environment. Teams are interdisciplinary and solve technical/innovation challenges provided by companies/ semi-governmental organisations and are guided by a company and academic coach.
Interdisciplinary education
Maker Spaces and Learning
Above curriculumInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 15/10/2020
Modified: 11/11/2020
The 22 maker spaces of TU Delft - spaces, were making and reflecting on the process of making and its results happen - were investigated: how do makerspaces offer pre-conditions for learning and to what extent do they contribute to student learning outcomes?
New education design for universities using 18 months of pandemic experiences
Course LevelCurriculum LevelAbove curriculumBScMScPhDEvidence BasedArticle (research paper)WorkshopIncluding practical outcomeEindhoven University of TechnologyDelft University of TechnologyUniversity of TwenteWageningen University & Research
Created: 02/09/2021
Modified: 08/11/2022
The 4TU are transforming programme and course designs geared towards flexible interdisciplinary educational ecosystems. This project offers advice for that based on the transition to online education during the first 18 months of the pandemic.
ICT enhanced engineering education
Teaching Excellence
Perceptions of teacher support, basic needs, motivation, academic performance and drop-outs
Course LevelBScInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 15/10/2020
Modified: 21/10/2021
In PRIME, research is done into the methods used in the education, in the 1st year Bachelor calculus course of computer science. We study the effect of gender in perception of teacher support and consequences thereof on basic needs, satisfaction, motivation and drop-outs.
ICT enhanced engineering education
Routes to Urban Issues
Course LevelCurriculum LevelBScMScToolDelft University of TechnologyWageningen University & Research
Created: 15/10/2020
Modified: 20/06/2024
Universities and municipalities meet around urban challenges and work together to create rich learning environments for students, course coordinators, and municipalities. As urban issues are not directly applicable in an educational context, we aim to provide guidelines for this.
Challenge based learning
Sustainability and responsible engineering education
Interdisciplinary education
State of education of four key engineering approaches at the TU Delft
Course LevelBScMScPhDEvidence BasedToolInformative without practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 29/06/2021
Modified: 31/01/2023
The 4TU.CEE strategic agenda of 2022-2025 prioritizes the following engineering education themes: Digital skills & computational thinking, Ethics & responsible engineering, Challenge-based education, and Entrepreneurial engineering education.
Dealing with diversity
Interdisciplinary education
Teaching Excellence
The University of Tomorrow and Future Roles of Engineers
Above curriculumIncluding practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 18/06/2020
Modified: 11/11/2020
The Reframing Studio and the 4TU.CEE at TU Delft developed a concept for the future university and the future roles of engineers in and beyond education and tested in real life contexts.
The Values and Risks of Emerging Technologies for Higher Engineering Education
Above curriculumBScMScIncluding practical outcomeDelft University of Technology
Created: 26/10/2020
Modified: 30/10/2020
This project aims to develop a reader on the values and risks of emerging technologies in Higher Engineering Education. Our knowledge should be deepend on the consequences of datafication for learning and teaching to claim ownership and involvement in educational innovation.