I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Eindhoven School of Education. My research interests focus on STEM education, engineering design and teacher professional development. Career highlights include articles in international journals, Fulbright PhD Researcher Award and voluntary work at Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley.
Innovations of Canan Mesutoglu
C-MODE– Constructing knowledge based on modular on-demand digital education
Created: 03/06/2019
Modified: 21/11/2022
Modified: 21/11/2022
C-MODE is a design blueprint combining CBL with modular on-demand digital education, where a real-life challenge provides the logical path through the knowledge modules. The project continued with CMODE-UP and CMODE-UP: Implementation.
Deepening multidisciplinarity within Signals & Control
Created: 24/06/2021
Modified: 24/10/2022
Modified: 24/10/2022
The aim of this project is to investigate multidisciplinary teamwork of Applied Physics and Mechanical Engineering students in the context of a challenge-based learning course.