Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Project introduction and background information

We propose a new cross-departmental course on ‘device integrated responsive materials’. Although primarily aimed for students of the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, students from the other engineering sciences (electric engineering, mechanical engineering, and applied physics) as well as Industrial Design will be stimulated to enrol. We are opting for students with different backgrounds that are evenly distributed. During the course, students from different backgrounds will be grouped to complete assignments.

With rapid advances in science and technology, new functional/ responsive devices are emerging in our society with every increasing rate. For example, soft robotics which are constructed from compliant materials and can bend, deform and adapt their shape showing promising application in field of medicine, biomedical engineering and manufacturing.

Objective and expected outcomes

The following objectives for designing the course in this project are set:

  • Design and implement a diagnostic test to determine the level of the students.
  • Design and implement pre-knowledge modules for all involved departments.
  • Design and implement a standard assessment in a cross-disciplinary learning environment.
  • Design, plan and implement coaching sessions to guide students and teams on the project.
  • Design, plan and implement lab sessions with hands-on support for students and teams.
  • Plan the coordination activities between departments and Teachers.
  1. We hope that this course can also inspire the lectures from other faculties on establishing cross-disciplinary education.
  2. The course will strengthen the collaboration between different departments within TU/e and  eventually in a broader scope.
  3. In a longer term, the course should in turn promote the cross-disciplinary research at the university and deliver researchers that are prepared to challenge the cross-disciplinary research projects.