Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Project introduction and background information

For the redesign of the course “Behavioral research methods 1” we used open educational resources and when necessary this was amended with new digital material (weblectures). This resulted in a course that exists of 10 online modules which students can follow completely on their own time and place. Students hand in the assignments online and practice the course matter via online quizzes. The course has a Q&A module in which student scan ask questions to the teacher.

Objective and expected outcomes

Redesign the course:

  • To make it possible for students to follow the course completely online (especially for pre-master students)
  • Make use of existing materials (Open Educational Resources) and amend this with weblectures

Results and learnings

  • The course is very well evaluated. Students enjoyed following the course completely online and the online materials were of very good quality
  • The course setup save the teacher a lot of time
  • Students have the possibility to schedule the course to their own liking.


  • Students need some help planning the course. This might be done by indicating the time necessary for the different elements of the course
  • Add video's in which the teacher provides instructions about the assignments
  • Add video's in the overview of the module to make sure students know how the different parts of the module interact.