Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Project introduction and background information

Working in interdisciplinary groups entails working with difference. Working with difference brings us to the intercultural communication approach with its emphasis on learning about the Self, so that we can successfully learn about the Other. Ā 

During this workshop, you will develop:

  • Awareness about the nature of interdisciplinary group work and the role of conflict plays in it;
  • Deeper understanding of the core elements of intercultural conflict management within interdisciplinary groups;
  • Knowledge to identify own and otherā€™s primary orientation across Conflict Styles, and a Ā skill set to manage them;Ā 
  • Communication skills to utilise conflict situations and thus improve collaboration in interdisciplinary groupwork.

Objective and expected outcomes

Using elements of Emotional Intelligence, Intercultural Conflict Styles and Negotiation across Cultures will help you to experience conflicts as an enriching opportunity for learning and collaboration.

Results and learnings

  • Serving as a cultural interpreter and being able to see things from different perspectives.
  • Practicing and developing the ability to identifying how to express emotions and how to express disagreements within conflict situations.Ā 
  • Being able to connect conversations and manage situations that can lead to conflicts.Ā Ā 


  • Emotional IntelligenceĀ  (Emotional Intelligence and Diversity Institute (
  • Intercultural Conflict style Inventory (ICS Mitchell R. Hammer, Ph.D)
  • Communication Styles (R. Hammer Ph.D)Ā 

Practical outcomes

During this workshop, you will develop/learn:

  • Awareness of the elements that play a role when differences are challenging
  • Awareness of own conflict style resolution, own communication style and the effect of being able to manage this
  • A setĀ of tools to use in your own practice.

More information

For more information on this workshop and other workshops/events offered by 4TU.CEE, visitĀ