Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Project introduction and background information

We know that feedback from various sources and perspectives, including 360 degree peer feedback, enhances self-regulated behaviors of students (Butler & Winne, 1995; Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006; Topping, 2009). We also know that learning in challenge-based learning (CBL) projects helps students to become more engaged in their own learning process and improve their learning outcomes (Ifenthaler, Gibson, & Zheng, 2020; Membrillo-Hernandez et al., 2019). However, we do not yet know enough about how to combine 360 degree peer feedback and CBL in such a way to enhance student engagement.

Objective and expected outcomes

In this project I aim to understand how to integrate 360 degree peer feedback in a challenge-based learning project to enhance student engagement and their self-regulated learning behavious. 

  • In what way can we implement 360 degree peer feedback approaches in CBL projects to enhance self-regulated learning behaviours?


Self-regulated feedback in CBL projects at course level: Implementation of self-regulated feedback in a CBL project in a master course in the Business Administration programme at the University of Twente. Students will get a real-life big challenge from a challenge provider about socio-technical innovation which they are expected to empirically examine ways in which the challenge provider can generate and implement socio-technical innovations. Based on their investigations, students provide recommendations to the challenge provider and reflect on important lessons learned at the societal, organizational and individual level.

Self-regulated feedback in CBL projects at faculty level: With the help of the Teaching Academy of the BMS faculty, I will share and disseminate my project results with my peers at the faculty. I will also advise my peers on how to implement self-regulated feedback and CBL projects in bachelor and master courses of various programmes and will engage as co-creator in various projects. 

Self-regulated feedback in CBL projects at university level: Together with the other teaching and learning fellows of the University of Twente and the 4TU Teaching Community, I aim to disseminate my project results at the university level through workshops and seminars. I hope to co-create the UT approach to CBL education at the University of Twente and to co-develop the Twente CBL approach.