Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



3 May 2021
The first seven education fellows have started at University of Twente
UT Rector Tom Veldkamp appointed the first seven Teaching & Learning Fellows last April as part of a pilot from the 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education.
20 Apr 2021
Boundary Crossing at WUR: an update
Find out about the latest developments of the Comenius project 'Boundary Crossing as modus operandi at Wageningen University’.
1 Apr 2021
Aniek Draaisma joins 4TU.CEE as project leader advancing teaching
On April 1st, Aniek Draaisma started at 4TU.CEE as project leader ‘Advancing teaching’.
23 Mar 2021
Peer feedback in higher education: A questionnaire to assess students’ motivation
PhD candidate Priyanka Pereira of University of Twente is working to develop and validate a comprehensive questionnaire to assess students’ motivation to learn and to participate in a peer feedback activity.
22 Mar 2021
Challenge-based learning for Biomedical Engineering students at TU Delft
Amir Zadpoor and Linette Bossen have devised a plan for the implementation of challenge-based learning in the biomedical engineering programme at TU Delft
22 Mar 2021
Home situation issues and autonomy in courses affect student well-being
The second report on the Corona Transition and Student Learning project at TU/e focuses on student well-being and influencing factors. The study shows that home situation issues and autonomy in courses affect student well-being.
4 Mar 2021
Tool support for structured drawings in automated feedback and assessment
Arthur van Goethem and Erik de Vink of University of Eindhoven are currently developing ‘GraphChecker’, a Moodle plugin which allows teachers to pose quiz questions with a graph as the answer.
1 Mar 2021
Building with nature perspectives publication
TU Delft researchers Jill Slinger, Baukje Kothuis and TU Delft 4TU.CEE programme coordinator Renate Klaassen have contributed to the series Building with Nature.
1 Feb 2021
Cindy Poortman new 4TU.CEE leader of University of Twente
Cindy Poortman is the new 4TU.CEE leader of the University of Twente per 1 February. She succeeds Jan van der Veen.
19 Jan 2021
Learning from science and the city
In her research Nina Bohm looks into how universities and cities are creating new spaces for students to learn in collaboration with the real-world.
18 Jan 2021
4TU.CEE WUR year report 2020 available
With great pleasure we present to you the 4TU.CEE-WUR 2020 year report.
18 Jan 2021
Personnel changes at 4TU.CEE
Some changes have occurred in the 4TU.CEE Board. Jan van der Veen leaves the Board and Birgit Pepin returns at TU/e
15 Jan 2021
Acceleration Plan educational innovation with IT
The University of Twente participates in the Acceleration Plan educational innovation with IT.
15 Jan 2021
Project proposal nationally recognised Student Education Qualification
A proposal has been made to arrive at a nationally recognised Student Education Qualification (StOK).
15 Jan 2021
Webinar series challenge-based education at 4TU
4TU.CEE has launched a new webinar series. It will explore the many forms and variants of challenge-based education at the 4 Universities of Technology in the Netherlands.