Part of the
Centre for
Engineering Education
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Centre for
Engineering Education


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



27 Sep 2023
European Journal of Engineering Education Special Issue - Call for papers
Karolina Doulougeri, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
21 Sep 2023
SEFI conference 2023 - Engineering Education for Sustainability
Cindy Poortman and Adina Imanbayeva
20 Sep 2023
PRACtESE Sypmosium 16 May 2023
On May 16th 2023, another exciting edition of the Practese Symposium took place. During this international online session, the researchers Shan Tuayerts (University of Leuven), Victor Garcia Galofré (Eindhoven University of Technology and Wageningen University & Research), and Ashley Anderson (University of Melbourne) shared and discussed their research, including challenges in the process and next steps.
15 Sep 2023
Renate Klaassen bids farewell to 4TU.CEE after 10 years
Renate Klaassen, TU Delft’s programme coordinator within the 4TU.CEE, leaves her position per 1 September, for a new role within TU Delft. From the very beginning in December 2013, she has put her heart and soul into building the 4TU.CEE.
14 Sep 2023 - Source: Picture of Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
FSE at University of Groningen and 4TU.CEE preferred partners
Education Innovation central to collaboration between FSE at University of Groningen and 4TU.CEE
14 Sep 2023
PRACtESE Symposium - 28th of November
On the 28th of November 2023, 4TU.CEE is organizing PRACtESE Symposium
30 Aug 2023
Room for everyone's educational talents
The 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education’s publishes its advice on Recognition and Rewards of University Teaching. This advice document consists of six recommendations and many concrete possible actions.
21 Jun 2023
Double interview chairman Remon Rooij & former chairman Perry den Brok
As of 1 July 2023, Remon Rooij (TUD) will succeed Perry den Brok (WUR) as chairman of 4TU.CEE - the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education. 4TU spoke to Remon and Perry.
19 Jun 2023
Call for chapters: Adaptive performance in engineering in times of uncertainty and change
On behalf of the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education (4TU.CEE) we initiated the open access Higher Engineering Education Research & Innovation (HEErI) book series.
19 Jun 2023
Click through & empower yourself (Click2Empower)
Click through & empower yourself (Click2Empower): Learning Analytics for the assessment and personalized support of student well-being, student resilience, and learning outcomes.
19 Jun 2023
European convention for Engineering Deans- SEFI 2023
On the 24th - 26th of May 2023, 4TU.CEE organized the European Convention for Engineering Deans on the campus of the University of Twente.
19 Jun 2023
Healthy Challenging Design Education
Teaching physical design skills has long been the main building block of the bachelor curriculums at the TU Delft faculties of Industrial Design Engineering and Architecture & the Built Environment.
19 Jun 2023
Learning Analytics at TU/E; series of activities 2023
Science and Education gathered interesting insights and gained experiences with Learning Analytics in recent years. It is a topic seen as an important enabler for the quality of education in the vision on education (TU/e, 2023).
15 Jun 2023
CBL Conference in Eindhoven
On 15 June 2023 the first National Challenge-Based Learning Conference will take place in Eindhoven as a joint effort of the Eindhoven University of Technology and 4TU.CEE.
12 Jun 2023
Learning Analytics at TU/e - Series of Activities 2023 powered by Boost! & 4TU.CEE
Science and Education gathered interesting insights and gained experiences with Learning Analytics in recent years. It is a topic seen as an important enabler for the quality of education in the vision on education (TU/e, 2023).