TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Construction Management & Engineering

4TU Federation

+31(0)6  1423 7775


Website: 4TU.nl


Interested? Now, there is the opportunity to apply for the Master's programme in Construction Management & Engineering!

As construction sector problems have an international scope and are affected by global changes, the programme is developed for an international audience. Therefore the applied language will be English.  
In order to be admitted you should possess a BSc degree from an accredited institute in a related field such as:

Your grades should be good. Applicants should speak and write English to IELTS 6.5 or equivalent (e.g. Dutch pre-university education, VWO). Students with a Bachelor's diploma from a Dutch institute of higher professional education in subjects relevant to this MSc programme will be admitted after successful completion of a standard pre-master programme at one of the three universities.

Dutch students
Please check on http://www.doorstroommatrix.nl/ whether your Bachelor's degree is sufficient for admission, or whether you need to follow a pre-master programme.

How to apply
Admission is jointly coordinated. You are requested to apply only to the university of your preference, because admission and registration at one university automatically means admission and co-registration at the other two. You may switch to another location for your specialization. All graduates will be awarded an MSc in CME. Admission forms can be downloaded from: 
Delft: www.studyat.tudelft.nl  
Twente: www.utwente.nl/master/how-to-apply/
Eindhoven: www.tue.nl/en/education/become-a-tue-student/admission-and-enrollment/programtype/master/